I need to add 2 columns(LastTaskCreatedDate & LastTaskUpdatedDate) for a table. I have the query for that 2coulums and I just need to call that query into my repo function. My repo function already has a query inside it which get the other columns inside it. As i cant add another query inside, I creayed a function in it and added that query inside it. Please look into the Screenshots for better clarity.
enter image description herepic- The query which gets those two columns inside.
This is the repo funtion which gets the table data inside that and here i need to add those 2 columns also
public WebStationResponse Filter(ProjectsFilter objFilter)
// Taking common project ids
var projectIds = _currentUser.AccessInfo.UserProjects.Select(up => up.ProjectID).ToList();
if (objFilter.ProjectID == null || objFilter.ProjectID.Count == 0)
objFilter.ProjectID = projectIds;
objFilter.ProjectID = objFilter.ProjectID.Intersect(projectIds).ToList();
objFilter.CompanyID = _currentUser.AccessInfo.CompanyID;
objFilter.UserID = _currentUser.AccessInfo.UserID;
objFilter.ServerTimezone = DefaultRepository.ServerTimezoneOffset();
objFilter.UserTimezone = _currentUser.TimeZoneDetails.BaseUTCOffset;
string strQuery = Project.GetProjects(objFilter);
IList<ProjectDetails> lstProjectDetails = _dbContext.Database.Query<ProjectDetails>(strQuery,objFilter).ToList();
if (lstProjectDetails.Count == 0)
base.ResponseObject.ResponseId = (int)ResponseCode.RecordDoesnotExist;
return base.ResponseObject;
int intRecordCount = lstProjectDetails.Count;
intRecordCount = _dbContext.Database.ExecuteScalar<int>(Common.RecordCount());
FillPermissions(ref lstProjectDetails);
FillProjectCompetencies(ref lstProjectDetails);
**FillLastDates(ref lstProjectDetails); **
base.ResponseObject.RecordCount = intRecordCount;
catch (Exception ex)
base.FillResponseDetails(ex, null, null);
return base.ResponseObject;
}`your text`
This is the function I added and inside it has the query- GetLastTaskUpdateDates.
private void FillLastDates(ref IList<ProjectDetails> lstProjects)
if (lstProjects == null || lstProjects.Count == 0)
var projectIds = lstProjects.Select(p => p.ProjectID).ToList();
string strQuery = Project.GetLastTaskUpdatedDates();
IList<ProjectDetails> lstDates = _dbContext.Database.Query<ProjectDetails>(strQuery, new { ProjectID = projectIds }).ToList();
ProjectDetails objProject = null;
for (int intIndex = 0; intIndex < lstProjects.Count; intIndex )
objProject = lstProjects[intIndex];
lstProjects[intIndex].LastTaskCreated = lstDates.Where(c => c.ProjectID == objProject.ProjectID).ToList();
lstProjects[intIndex].LastTaskUpdated= lstDates.Where(c =>c.ProjectID == objProject.ProjectID).ToList();
}`your text`
If we look at last two lines, I am getting this error- Cannot implicitly convert type to System.Collections.Generic.List to System.DateTime
Need help!!, Please reply for any other clarity on the problem
Gave everything in the details of the problem
CodePudding user response:
and LastTaskUpdated
are DateTime and you try to put lists instead of DateTimes, it's normal.
You must get only one date from the list you have. I think what you're looking for is something like that (assuming that lstDates is a list of dates):
var projectDates = lstDates.Where(c => c.ProjectID == objProject.ProjectID).OrderBy(e => e); // Ordered IEnumerable (it's a list but a bit different) of dates from the oldest to the newest
lstProjects[intIndex].LastTaskCreated = projectDates.First(); // Gives the first elem of the enumerable, should be the date of creation
lstProjects[intIndex].LastTaskUpdated = projectDates.Last(); // Gives the last elem of the enumerable, should be the last update date
I didn't put the null checkers but you might want to add some to be sure that projectDates is not empty.
If lstDates is a list of projects, the code could be this:
var project = lstDates.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ProjectID == objProject.ProjectID);
if (project != null)
lstProjects[intIndex].LastTaskCreated = project.LastTaskCreated
lstProjects[intIndex].LastTaskUpdated = project.LastTaskUpdated
but it depends on what's inside ProjectDetails.
Hope it helped
CodePudding user response:
Although I don't fully understand what's going on in your scenario, the error seems to be fairly explainatory?
expects a Datetime, whereas
lstDates.Where(c => c.ProjectID == objProject.ProjectID).ToList();
is a list of ProjectDetails.
I suspect you want something like:
lstProjects[intIndex].LastTaskCreated = lstDates.First(c => c.ProjectID == objProject.ProjectID).LastTaskCreated;