I have the following table x
which looks like this:
> x <- table(married_working_women$fem_ed, married_working_women$hom_ed)
> rownames(x) <- c("< HS", "HS", "> HS")
> colnames(x) <- c("< HS", "HS", "> HS")
> x
< HS HS > HS
< HS 2410 112 283
HS 63 83 55
> HS 44 49 172
I create the Mosaic plot using the following code:
main = "Education Levels of Working Spouses",
xlab = "Wife's Education",
ylab = "Husband's Education",
las = 1, color = brewer.pal(3, name = "Pastel2"))
which gives this result:
Now I want to add the numbers in the table x
, and maybe also the percentages, to the mosaic plot. Here is an example:
I tried to use mosaic
function, but it gives an error:
> library(vcd)
> mosaic(x, labeling = labeling_cells(text = round(x, 2)), legend = TRUE)
Error in `[.default`(c(2410, 63, 44, 112, 83, 49, 283, 55, 172), `NA` = NA_character_, :
subscript out of bounds
Can someone please give me a hint as to how to add labels to the mosaicplot
function? Thank you very much in advance.
CodePudding user response:
I'm not sure why, but the key was to never use colnames(x)
and rownames(x)
. You should use dimnames(x)
instead when creating your table. Code was based on this