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How to edit random numbers in a txt file using batch


Hello guys I need a bit of help

I am trying to edit a txt file but it has no data in front of it so I am having a hard time find a way to edit the txt file

Here is my script

cd /d "%~dp0"

set "Mfind=    %Random%"

@For %%G In ("%~dp03Ready\NSB") Do Set "sourcedir=%%~fG"
@For %%G In ("%~dp03Ready\NSBEdited") Do Set "destdir=%%~fG"

Set /p "FPats=Enter Your Amount: 

FOR /f "delims=" %%q IN ('dir /b /s /a-d "%sourcedir%\(09)Fus.txt"') DO (
 rem calculate new destination directory
 SET "newdest=%%~dpq"
 SET "newdest=!newdest:%sourcedir%=           
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