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Click on parent element based on two conditions in child elements Selenium Driver


Using Selenium 4.8 in .NET 6, I have the following html structure to parse.

<ul >
    <a href=//to somewhere>
      <span >
       <div >some title</div>
       <span >some author</span>

I need to find and click on the right li where the book-title matches my variable input (ideally ignore sentence case too) AND the book author also matches my variable input. So far I'm not getting that xpath syntax correct. I've tried different variations of something along these lines:

var matchingBooks = driver.FindElements(By.XPath($"//li[.//span[@class='book-author' and text()='{b.Authors}' and @class='book-title' and text()='{b.Title}']]"));

then I check if matchingBooks has a length before clicking on the first element. But matchingBooks is always coming back as 0.

enter image description here

CodePudding user response:

belongs to span while belongs to div child element.
Also it cane be extra spaces additionally to the text, so it's better to use contains instead of exact equals validation.
So, instead of "//li[.//span[@class='book-author' and text()='{b.Authors}' and @class='book-title' and text()='{b.Title}']]" please try this:

"//li[.//span[@class='book-author' and(contains(text(),'{b.Authors}'))] and .//div[@class='book-title' and(contains(text(),'{b.Title}'))]]"

The following XPath should work. This is a example specific XPath I tried and it worked "//li[.//span[@class='book-author' and(contains(text(),'anima'))] and .//div[@class='book-title' and(contains(text(),'Coloring'))]]" for blood of the fold search input.
Also, I guess you should click on a element inside the li, not on the li itself. So, it's try to click the following element:

"//li[.//span[@class='book-author' and(contains(text(),'{b.Authors}'))] and .//div[@class='book-title' and(contains(text(),'{b.Title}'))]]//a"
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