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ruby - transform_value of a specific key[1]


I am trying for each row to compare the fx value of each corresponding name; So the outcome should be : diff={"name"=>"XPT", "fx"=>"1.1315313597682419"} or rounded before having to be compared _ if it is easier to get it that way : diff={"name"=>"XPT", "fx"=>"1.13153"}

So far I have a TypeError (no implicit conversion of String into Integer) with the following:

def compare_values
    diff = {}
    a = [{"src"=>"reportStack"},
    {"name"=>"XPT", "fx"=>"1.1315313597682419"},
    {"name"=>"XAU", "fx"=>"27.0165670831070071"},
    {"name"=>"XAG", "fx"=>"8.4192241535397429"}]

    b = [{"src"=>"reportOverflow"},
    {"name"=>"XPT", "fx"=>"1.13163"},
    {"name"=>"XAU", "fx"=>"27.0165670831070071"},
    {"name"=>"XAG", "fx"=>"8.4192"}]

    b.each do |b_row|
       a.each do |a_row|
          b.each do |k,v|
            diff = k if a_row['name'].value == e_row['name'].value && a_row['fx'].value.to_f != a_row['fx'].value.to_f

Could anyone please give a tip how to handle this pickle?

CodePudding user response:

I would begin by simplifying the data structures for both reportStack (a) and reportOverflow (b) into hashes, where the key is name, and the value is fx. This will allow us to compare key-value pairs without having to iterate through an array and checking each value.

report_stack = a.inject(Hash.new) do |memo, report_stack_entry|
  next memo unless report_stack_entry['name']

  memo[report_stack_entry['name']] = report_stack_entry['fx']

# report_stack => {"XPT"=>"1.1315313597682419", "XAU"=>"27.0165670831070071", "XAG"=>"8.4192241535397429"}

report_overflow = b.inject(Hash.new) do |memo, report_overflow_entry|
  next memo unless report_overflow_entry['name']

  memo[report_overflow_entry['name']] = report_overflow_entry['fx']

# report_overflow => {"XPT"=>"1.13163", "XAU"=>"27.0165670831070071", "XAG"=>"8.4192"}

I would then .reject over report_stack with a !nil?, start_with?, and == condition on the corresponding report_overflow key

diff = report_stack.reject do |name, fx|
  overflow_fx = report_overflow[name]

  !overflow_fx.nil? && (
    fx == overflow_fx ||

diff #=> {"XPT"=>"1.1315313597682419"}

If any additional comparison logic is required, you should be able to easily update the condition in the .reject block to do so.

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