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remove a value with its counterpart conditional on an ID


I have the following data frame

neto damo
356 008
-356 008
-175 009
700 009
-700 009
250 009
-36 018
-36 018
-36 018

I want to eliminate the data with its counterpart conditioned to the ID and that it looks like this:

neto damo
-175 009
250 009
-108 018

I have tried to put it in absolute values and leave the value that is unique, but this can produce an error if both are negative and should not be eliminated.

CodePudding user response:

df %>%
  mutate(abs_neto=abs(neto)) %>%
  group_by(damo,abs_neto) %>%
  mutate(one_plus_one_minus= any(neto>=0) & any(neto<=0))%>%
  filter(n()==1 | !one_plus_one_minus)%>%

   neto  damo abs_neto one_plus_one_minus
  <int> <int>    <int> <lgl>             
1  -175     9      175 FALSE             
2   250     9      250 FALSE             
3   250     9      250 FALSE

CodePudding user response:

We may group by 'damo', remove the groups having only a single absolute 'neto' value, grouped by absolute of 'neto', filter out the groups having one value

df1 %>%
   mutate(s1 = sign(neto), absneto = abs(neto)) %>% 
   arrange(damo, desc(absneto), s1 == -1) %>% 
   group_by(damo) %>% 
   mutate(grp = cumsum(s1 > 0)) %>% 
   group_by(grp, .add = TRUE) %>% 
   filter(n_distinct(absneto) > 1|n_distinct(s1) == 1) %>% 
   group_by(s1, .add = TRUE) %>% 
   summarise(neto = sum(neto), .groups = "drop") %>%   
   select(-grp, -s1)


# A tibble: 3 × 2
   damo  neto
  <int> <int>
1     9  -175
2     9   250
3    18  -108


df1 <-structure(list(neto = c(356L, -356L, -175L, 700L, -700L, 250L, 
-36L, -36L, -36L), damo = c(8L, 8L, 9L, 9L, 9L, 9L, 18L, 18L, 
18L)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -9L))
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