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Help, stumped. On r3 hidden module


BOOL to restore original memory data ()
__asm {int 3}
If (VirtualAlloc (old module address, 4096, MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE)==0)
Char MSG [256].
Sprintf_s (MSG, "assignment information table address failure: % d", GetLastError ());
MessageBoxA (NULL, MSG, "caption", 0).
Return FALSE;
Memcpy (old module address, temporary information table address, 4096);
for (int i=0; I & lt; Blocks; I++)
If (VirtualAlloc ((PVOID) (old block address [I]), the old block size [I], MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE)==0)
Char MSG [256].
Sprintf_s (MSG, "allocated block address failure: % d", GetLastError ());
MessageBoxA (NULL, MSG, "caption", 0).
Return FALSE;
Memcpy ((PVOID) (old block address [I]), a temporary address table [I], old block size [I]);
Return TRUE;

The first step to reproduce the first module in the data to the temporary address
The second step FreeLibrary the old module
The third step (wrong) when applying for section addresses prompt error 487
Card for two days, all access to the Internet for help