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Firebase Bucket


I'm trying to upload the Image on Firebase Storage but I face some problems with it.

ar storage = StorageClient.Create();
                string studentImageRef = bucket   33333   ".jpg";

                var obj = storage.GetObject(studentImageRef, studentImageRef);
                var downloadUrl = obj.MediaLink;

                await storage.UploadObjectAsync(obj, null, new UploadObjectOptions { PredefinedAcl = PredefinedObjectAcl.PublicRead });

                // Add the download URL to the student's information
                studentsInfo.ImageUrl = downloadUrl;

This is the error I encountered.

Error: The service storage has thrown an exception. HttpStatusCode is NotFound. The specified bucket does not exist

And yes I tried several times and make sure the bucket name is correct but the error still persists.

CodePudding user response:

Image path with a bucket in Firebase Storage might look like this: gs://my-firebase-bucket/images/example-image.jpg, where my-firebase-bucket is the name of the bucket and images/example-image.jpg is the path to the image within the bucket.

CodePudding user response:

I figured how to fix this problem using this codes

/ Convert image to stream
                var stream = new MemoryStream();
                imageFile.Save(stream, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg);
                stream.Position = 0;

                // Initialize Google Cloud Storage
                var storage = StorageClient.Create();

                string studentImageRef = "my-bucket.appspot.com/"   Lname_FnameGetter   ".jpg";

                await storage.UploadObjectAsync("my-bucket.appspot.com/", studentImageRef, "image/jpeg", stream, new UploadObjectOptions { PredefinedAcl = PredefinedObjectAcl.PublicRead });

                // Get the download URL for the image
                var obj = storage.GetObject("my-bucket.appspot.com", studentImageRef);
                var downloadUrl = obj.MediaLink;

                // Add the download url to the student's information
                studentsInfo.ImageUrl = downloadUrl;

The ff. codes i provide solve the problem.

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