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Vc6 running after the error message is a great god for help


The Loaded symbols for 'F: \ sheji \ ImgProcess \ Debug \ ImgProcess exe'
The Loaded 'NTDLL. DLL', no matching -- information found.
The Loaded 'C: \ Windows \ SysWOW64 \ kernel32 DLL', no matching -- information found.
The Loaded 'C: \ Windows \ SysWOW64 \ KernelBase DLL', no matching -- information found.
The Loaded 'F: \ \ c OpenCV \ bin \ cxcore100 DLL', no matching -- information found.
The Loaded 'C: \ Windows \ SysWOW64 \ user32 DLL', no matching -- information found.
The Loaded 'C: \ Windows \ SysWOW64 \ gdi32 DLL', no matching -- information found.
The Loaded 'C: \ Windows \ SysWOW64 \ LPK DLL', no matching -- information found.
The Loaded 'C: \ Windows \ SysWOW64 \ usp10 DLL', no matching -- information found.
The Loaded 'C: \ Windows \ SysWOW64 \ MSVCRT DLL', no matching -- information found.
The Loaded 'C: \ Windows \ SysWOW64 \ advapi32 DLL', no matching -- information found.
The Loaded 'C: \ Windows \ SysWOW64 \ sechost DLL', no matching -- information found.
The Loaded 'C: \ Windows \ SysWOW64 \ rpcrt4 DLL', no matching -- information found.
The Loaded 'C: \ Windows \ SysWOW64 \ sspicli DLL', no matching -- information found.
The Loaded 'C: \ Windows \ SysWOW64 \ cryptbase DLL', no matching -- information found.
The Loaded 'F: \ \ c OpenCV \ bin \ libguide40 DLL', no matching -- information found.
The Loaded 'F: \ \ c OpenCV \ bin \ cv100 DLL', no matching -- information found.
The Loaded 'F: \ \ c OpenCV \ bin \ highgui100 DLL', no matching -- information found.
The Loaded 'mon - controls_6595b64144ccf1df_5. C:\Windows\winsxs\x86_microsoft.windows.com 82.7601.18837 _none_ec86b8d6858ec0bc \ comctl32 DLL', no matching -- information found.
The Loaded 'C: \ Windows \ System32 \ avifil32 DLL', no matching -- information found.
The Loaded 'C: \ Windows \ SysWOW64 \ winmm DLL', no matching -- information found.
The Loaded 'C: \ Windows \ SysWOW64 \ ole32 DLL', no matching -- information found.
The Loaded 'C: \ Windows \ System32 \ msacm32 DLL', no matching -- information found.
The Loaded 'C: \ Windows \ System32 \ msvfw32 DLL', no matching -- information found.
The Loaded 'C: \ Windows \ SysWOW64 \ shell32 DLL', no matching -- information found.
The Loaded 'C: \ Windows \ SysWOW64 \ shlwapi DLL', no matching -- information found.
The Loaded 'C: \ Windows \ System32 \ avicap32 DLL', no matching -- information found.
The Loaded 'C: \ Windows \ System32 \ version DLL', no matching -- information found.
The Loaded 'C: \ Windows \ SysWOW64 \ comdlg32 DLL', no matching -- information found.
The Loaded 'C: \ Windows \ System32 \ winspool DRV', no matching -- information found.
The Loaded 'C: \ Windows \ System32 \ oledlg DLL', no matching -- information found.
The Loaded 'C: \ Windows \ System32 \ olepro32 DLL', no matching -- information found.
The Loaded 'C: \ Windows \ SysWOW64 \ oleaut32 DLL', no matching -- information found.
The Loaded 'C: \ Windows \ System32 \ imm32 DLL', no matching -- information found.
The Loaded 'C: \ Windows \ SysWOW64 \ MSCTF DLL', no matching -- information found.
The Loaded 'C: \ Windows \ SysWOW64 \ nvinit DLL', no matching -- information found.
The Loaded 'C: \ Program Files \ NVIDIA Corporation (x86) \ coprocmanager \ detoured DLL', no matching -- information found.
The Loaded 'C: \ Program Files \ NVIDIA Corporation (x86) \ coprocmanager \ nvd3d9wrap DLL', no matching -- information found.
The Loaded 'C: \ Windows \ SysWOW64 \ setupapi DLL', no matching -- information found.
The Loaded 'C: \ Windows \ SysWOW64 \ cfgmgr32 DLL', no matching -- information found.
The Loaded 'C: \ Windows \ SysWOW64 \ devobj DLL', no matching -- information found.
The Loaded 'C: \ Program Files \ NVIDIA Corporation (x86) \ coprocmanager \ nvdxgiwrap DLL', no matching -- information found.
The Loaded 'C: \ Windows \ System32 \ uxtheme DLL', no matching -- information found.
The Loaded 'D: \ king_sofft \ kdubaa \ sp3 \ kwsui DLL', no matching -- information found.
The Loaded 'C: \ Windows \ SysWOW64 \ psapi DLL', no matching -- information found.
The Loaded 'C: \ Windows \ System32 \ wtsapi32 DLL', no matching -- information found.
The Loaded 'D: \ \ program files \ ksafe \ ksfmon (x86) DLL', no matching -- information found.
The Loaded 'C: \ Windows \ SysWOW64 \ ws2_32 DLL', no matching -- information found.
The Loaded 'C: \ Windows \ SysWOW64 \ nsi DLL', no matching -- information found.
The Loaded 'C: \ Windows \ System32 \ apphelp DLL', no matching -- information found.
The Loaded 'C: \ Windows \ System32 \ SogouPY ime', no matching -- information found.
The Loaded 'C: \ Windows \ System32 \ msimg32 DLL', no matching -- information found.
The Loaded 'C: \ Windows \ System32 \ oleacc DLL', no matching -- information found.
The Loaded 'C: \ Windows \ System32 \ ntmarta DLL', no matching -- information found.
The Loaded 'C: \ Windows \ SysWOW64 \ Wldap32 DLL', no matching -- information found.
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