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Vc game do wrong with interface, I consult please drink milk tea!


-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- the Configuration: 121 - Win32 Debug -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --


121. The CPP

C: \ users \ asus \ desktop \ 121. CPP (267) : warning C4508: 'main' : the function should return a value. 'void' return type assumed

C: \ users \ asus \ desktop \ 121. CPP (60) : warning C4102: 'loop' : unreferenced label

C: \ users \ asus \ desktop \ 121. CPP (56) : warning C4101: 'm: unreferenced local variable

After the BUILD
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- the Configuration: 121 - Win32 Debug -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --


121. Obj: error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __imp__mciSendStringA @ 16

The Debug/121. Exe: fatal error LNK1120:1 unresolved externals

An error occurred when execution link. Exe.

121. Exe - 1 error (s), and 0 warning (s)

All code is as follows:
 # include 






# define BLOOD_1 3

# define BLOOD_2 2

# define xMAX 30

# define xMIN 10

# define yMAX 23

# define yMIN 2

# define MAXLEN 40

Struct Plane {
int x;

int y;

Int "blood;

} plane, enemy [MAXLEN], bullet [320].

Int missile=0;//slow speed

Int reprint=0;//whether or not to print

Int score=0;//score

Void gotoxy (int x, int y)//the cursor to the (x, y), in which the coordinates of the upper left corner (1, 1), x as the column, line y is

COORD COORD=1} {x 1, y -;
(GetStdHandle (STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), coord);

Int main ()
IMAGE img.
//interface background
IMAGE img1;
//mouse messages defined
McISendString (" open music. Mp3 alias up mymusic ", NULL, 0, NULL);
McISendString (" play up mymusic repeat ", NULL, 0, NULL);
Initgraph (800600);
Loadimage (& amp; Img, "PIC. JPG");//read the image to the img object
Putimage (0, 0, & amp; Img);//display IMAGE object in coordinates
Setfillcolor (RGB (201, 136, 92));//help color

Setbkmode (TRANSPARENT);//transparent background Settings
Settextcolor (WHITE);//help font color

Setlinecolor (RGB (274, 244, 185));//color box border
Fillroundrect (500, 290, 700, 360, 56, 67);//box

Settextcolor (RGB (255201, 14));//the words in the box
Settextstyle (40, 50, "tahoma");//font
Setbkmode (TRANSPARENT);//transparent background Settings
Outtextxy (522, 300, "Play");//Play

Settextstyle (110, 70, "Chinese amber");//end set
Outtextxy (60, 70, "flying");//character shows

Void the Print ();//output basic information

Void del (struct Plane arr [], int n);

Void print (struct Plane Plane, struct Plane enemy [], int count_1, struct Plane bullet [], int count_2);//print interface

Int enemy_create (struct Plane enemy [], int count);//create the enemy planes
Int bullet_create (struct Plane bullet [], int count, int x, int y);//create the bullet

Int count_1=0, count_2=0;//number of enemy planes and the bullet number count

Int situation=1, I, j;

Char ch;//button

Plane. "=BLOOD_1;
Plane. X=(xMAX + xMIN)/2;

Plane. Y=(yMAX + yMIN)/2;//the plane position initialization

Print ();

While (situation)
//determine game ever end


Gotoxy (1, 1);


If (slow> 1000000)

Missile=0;//deceleration setting

Sleep (20);

If (kbhit ())


Ch=getch ();

for(i=0; Kbhit () & amp; & i<30; I++)//the cycle for new empty record buffer of the keyboard (don't know whether it is true that emptied, anyway effect achieved)
Ch=getch ();

The switch (ch)


Case 'w' : plane. - y; break;

Case 'a' : plane. X -; break;

Case 's' : plane. Y++; break;

Case 'd' : plane. X++; break;

Case: 'z' system (" pause ");


If (plane. X
Plane. X=xMIN;

If (plane. X> XMAX)
Plane. X=xMAX;

If (plane. Y> YMAX)

Plane. Y=yMAX;

If (plane. Y
Plane. Y=yMIN;


If (missile % 5==0)//bullets slowdown


for(i=0; i

Bullet [I]. - y;//the bullet rise
If (bullet [I] y

Del (bullet, I);

Count_2 -;

I -;


for(j=0; J
If (enemy [j]. Journal of x==bullet [I] x& & Enemy [j]. J y==bullet [I] y)


Del (bullet, I);

Count_2 -;
Enemy [j]. Journal of blood -;

If (enemy [j]. "==0)//judgment HP


Del (enemy, j);

Count_1 -;





Count_2=bullet_create (bullet, count_2, plane x, plane, y);

If (missile % 25==0)//enemy aircraft deceleration


for(i=0; i

Enemy [I] y++;

If (enemy [I] y> YMAX | | (enemy [I]. X==plane. X& & Enemy [I] y==plane. Y))


Del (enemy, I);

Count_1 -;

I -;


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