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DrawBuild1.3 welcome download use. (the name before fkBuild)


DrawBuild help
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DrawBuild is according to the project order, manually compile project, DrawBuild experienced many ways to achieve (bat, PHP, python implementation),
The disadvantages and advantages, and finally form like this, then maybe there may be a GUI DrawBuild,
You can compile support vc2005 vc2008 version of the project, vc2010 above and haven't tried, don't know whether is available, but should be able to use the

DrawBuild 1.3 major upgrade and add functionality,
1. Supports three macro, global macro, macro menu item, the project team macros,
2. The menu item command execution group function,

Main functions:
1, most DrawBuild 31 need to compile the project configuration file,
2, each project configuration file, can display the 31 project teams, each team, can contain N project, each project can use different vc compiler,
3, support win32 or x64 or... platform, the Debug ReleaseTest Release... these combination configuration,
4, call external production installation,
5, dynamically switch the project configuration file, at the same time, there can be only one project configuration file is active,
6, supports three macro, global macro, macro menu item, the project team macros,
7, command execution group function,
8, the menu project command execution group function,

The whole figure:

DrawBuild main file:
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DrawBuild. Exe DrawBuild main program
DrawBuild DrawBuild. The XML configuration file
DrawBuild templet. The XML instance document, you need to compile the list of the project,/td>

DrawBuild help file

DrawBuild. XML file specification (important)
1. DrawBuild. XML file is only one node, & lt; XmlPath path="F: \ Temp \ DrawBuild" def="templet. XML & gt;" Specify the project configuration file path, if there is no written, by default, the program folder
"Path" + "def", "
Note: specify the project configuration file path to the location of the
& Nb

Templet. The XML configuration files that
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A, compile tools set,

Two, three kinds of macro,
1. Global macro scope, the configuration file,


2. Macro menu, each menu of macros can be different, scope, the operation of the menu item the following, the property name: "MacroOrPath", value: the absolute path to the XML,


3. The project team macros, every project team is not the same as the macro, scope, project team under operation,
//this place,

Three, parameter Settings
//config/param/items/item nodes, and attributes:

- will write attributes:
"The name" the name of the current parameters,
"Param" fill in parameters,

Four, menu Settings,
//config/menu/groups below menu set of nodes: unlimited number of menu group, any menu item number,
Menu set description:

- will write attributes:
Shows the name of the "name" of the current menu group,

-- can write attributes:
Group "load" menu is displayed,

Menu item description:
Node/group/items/item menu, a menu item can be N lines, fixed for 3 columns,
Format: 1 & lt; Item ln="0" col="0" name="Debug Rebuild" CMD="Q" build="/Rebuild" param="$(DebugWin32) load"="" & gt;

Format: 2 & lt; Item ln="3" col="2" name="Run TheFiles" CMD="R" CmdPath="//config/RunTheFiles1.9 x/win32release" & gt;

- will write attributes:
"Ln" menu item in line,
"Col" menu item in the column,
"The name" the name of the menu item shows,
"CMD" menu command, can't repeat,

-- can write attributes:
"MacroOrPath write macro absolute path,"

- writable attribute group (VC, c #, VB project using)
"Build" write/rebuild/build/Clean,
"Param here to write" parameter is set in the parameter name, see the parameter Settings,

- writable attribute group (command execution nodes, follow DrawBuild internal orders to use, can only write a)
"CmdPath" write command execution nodes, the absolute path to the XML,
"CmdPath" write DrawBuild internal commands,

- writable attribute group (menu project execution nodes)
"NodeRun" write node name the project team,

4. The team set up
//config/PRJS/group/group node, attribute description: "the name" "PrjsRoot" BuildTools "" ext" is "will write attributes, the load is a writable attribute, a default t
Format: & lt; Group name="x 1.9" PrjsRoot=U: \ "x 1.9" BuildTools="$(vc2008)" ext="vcproj" & gt;

Five, the team set
Group/items/item nodes, you can perform two functions, one is to compile the project, the second is command execution nodes,
Format compile projects: 1 & lt; Item path="\ conch \ SRC \ TraceLog" name="TraceLog ext"=". Vcproj "& gt;
Format: 2 command execution node & lt; The item CmdPath="//config/MakeSetup1.9" & gt;

Compile the project, the attribute description:
Format compile projects: 1 & lt; Item path="\ conch \ SRC \ TraceLog" name="TraceLog ext"=". Vcproj "& gt;

- will write attributes:
"Path" the current project is a relative path, or an absolute path, and together using the "root" attribute,
"The name" the name of the current project, with no extensions.

-- can write attributes:
"BuildTools" if not, will use & lt; Group> "BuildTools" attributes of nodes,
"Ext" if not, use & lt; Group> "Ext" attributes of nodes,
"Load" is a writable attribute, a default t.
"Root" is a writable attribute, a default f. is given to illustrate the relative path to the current project, or an absolute path,

Command execution nodes, and attributes:
Format: 2 command execution node & lt; The item CmdPath="//config/MakeSetup1.9" & gt;

- will write attributes:
"CmdPath" write command execution nodes, the absolute path to the XML,

-- can write attributes:
"Load" is a writable attribute, a default t.

Six, the menu program command execution nodes,
Function need menu and the project team together to use, this command execution node is under the project, may need to rely on the team macros,
Method of use, need to two places to modify to add menu items and team,
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