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Vs2015 and opencv3.1.0 in MFC raised open cameras, camera broadly to open up, but couldn't disp


Refer to http://blog.csdn.net/watkinsong/article/details/7360941
//Fire2Dlg. CPP: implementation file 

# include "stdafx. H"
# include "Fire2. H"
# include "Fire2Dlg. H"
# include "afxdialogex. H"
# include "CvvImage. H"

# ifdef _DEBUG
# define new DEBUG_NEW
# endif

CvCapture * capture;
The CDC * pDC.
The CWnd * PWND.
CRect the rect.
IplImage * fireImage;
CvvImage m_CvvImage;
IplImage * frame;

//for application "about" menu item CAboutDlg dialog

The class CAboutDlg: public CDialogEx
CAboutDlg ();

//data dialog
# endif

Virtual void DoDataExchange (CDataExchange * symbol;//support DDX/DDV


CAboutDlg: : CAboutDlg () : CDialogEx (IDD_ABOUTBOX)

Void CAboutDlg: : DoDataExchange (CDataExchange * symbol)
CDialogEx: : DoDataExchange (symbol);


//CFire2Dlg dialog

CFire2Dlg: : CFire2Dlg (pParent/*=NULL CWnd * */)
: CDialogEx (IDD_FIRE2_DIALOG, pParent)
M_hIcon=AfxGetApp () - & gt; LoadIcon (IDR_MAINFRAME);

Void CFire2Dlg: : DoDataExchange (CDataExchange * symbol)
CDialogEx: : DoDataExchange (symbol);

ON_BN_CLICKED (IDC_Camera, & amp; CFire2Dlg: : OnBnClickedCamera)

//CFire2Dlg message handler

BOOL CFire2Dlg: : OnInitDialog ()
CDialogEx: : OnInitDialog ();

//will "about... "Menu item added to the system menu,

//IDM_ABOUTBOX must be in the system command range,
ASSERT (IDM_ABOUTBOX & lt; 0 xf000);

CMenu * pSysMenu=GetSystemMenu (FALSE);
If (pSysMenu!=NULL)
BOOL bNameValid;
Cstrings strAboutMenu;
BNameValid=strAboutMenu. LoadString (IDS_ABOUTBOX);
ASSERT (bNameValid);
if (! StrAboutMenu. IsEmpty ())
PSysMenu - & gt; The AppendMenu (MF_SEPARATOR);
PSysMenu - & gt; AppendMenu (MF_STRING IDM_ABOUTBOX, strAboutMenu);

//set this dialog ICONS, when the application is the main window is not a dialog, the framework will automatically
//do this
SetIcon (m_hIcon, TRUE);//set the large icon
SetIcon (m_hIcon, FALSE);//set the small icon

ShowWindow (SW_MINIMIZE);

//TODO: add additional initialization code in the
This - & gt; MoveWindow (410, 160, 765, 598);
PWND - & gt; MoveWindow (24, 85, 526, 416);

PDC=PWND - & gt; GetDC ();
HDC=pDC - & gt; GetSafeHdc ();
PWND - & gt; GetClientRect (& amp; The rect);

return TRUE;//unless set focus to the control, return TRUE

Void CFire2Dlg: : OnSysCommand (UINT nID, LPARAM LPARAM)
If ((nID & amp; 0 xfff0)==IDM_ABOUTBOX)
CAboutDlg dlgAbout;
DlgAbout. DoModal ();
The else
CDialogEx: : OnSysCommand (nID, lParam);

//if the dialog box to add a minimize button, you need the following code
//to draw the icon, to use the document/view model of MFC application,
//it will be done automatically by the framework,

Void CFire2Dlg: : OnPaint ()
If (IsIconic ())
CPaintDC dc (this);//for drawing device context

The SendMessage (WM_ICONERASEBKGND, reinterpret_cast & lt; WPARAM> (dc) GetSafeHdc ()), 0);

//make the icon is centered within the workspace rectangular
Int cxIcon=GetSystemMetrics (SM_CXICON);
Int cyIcon=GetSystemMetrics (SM_CYICON);
CRect the rect.
GetClientRect (& amp; The rect);
Int x=(the rect. Width () - cxIcon + 1)/2;
Int y=(the rect. Height () - cyIcon + 1)/2;

//draw the icon
Dc. DrawIcon (x, y, m_hIcon);
The else
CDialogEx: : OnPaint ();

//when the user drag minimize window system call this function to obtain the cursor
HCURSOR CFire2Dlg: : OnQueryDragIcon ()
Return static_cast & lt; HCURSOR> (m_hIcon);

Void CFire2Dlg: : OnBnClickedCamera ()
//TODO: add the control notification handler code
The capture=0;
The capture=cvCaptureFromCAM (0);//0 represents the computer itself camera, 1, 2, 3, 4,,,,,,,, on behalf of the external camera
IplImage * frame=cvQueryFrame (capture);
M_CvvImage. CopyOf (frame, 1);
M_CvvImage. DrawToHDC (hDC, & amp; The rect);
The SetTimer (2, 40, NULL);

Void CFire2Dlg: : OnTimer (UINT_PTR nIDEvent)

CRect rc;
The CWnd * pWnd=GetDlgItem (IDC_STATIC);
PWnd - & gt; GetClientRect (rc);
IplImage * frame=cvQueryFrame (capture);
M_CvvImage. CopyOf (frame, 1);
M_CvvImage. DrawToHDC (hDC, & amp; The rect);

CDialogEx: : OnTimer (nIDEvent);

CodePudding user response:

Set in the device manager enabled cameras,
Please check the return values of each function call

CodePudding user response:

Isn't display images, how to know opened? In addition you display content camera code? Imshow?

CodePudding user response:

Look your Debug debugging, which function failed? Or make a breakpoint, look at the key functions performed? Where or failed?
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