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Consult how to rewrite the SKYPE information status


Dim oSkype As SKYPE4COMLib. Skype
Dim oChat As SKYPE4COMLib. ChatMessage

The Set oSkype=New SKYPE4COMLib. Skype
The Set oChat=New SKYPE4COMLib. ChatMessage
For Each oChat In oSkype. Messages
If oChat. Then the Status=2 '2=unread message, 3=read information
The Debug. Print oChat. Timestamp & amp; "/" & amp; OChat. ChatName & amp; "/" & amp; OChat. Body & amp; "/" & amp; OChat. IsEditable
End the If
The Set oSkype=Nothing
The Set oChat=Nothing

There are unread messages, oChat. Status=2, consult how to do not open the SKYPE reading information, the information directly to the state to read? Thank you very much!

CodePudding user response:

OChat. Status=3

CodePudding user response:

OChat. Status=3
No, tip
Compile error:
Can't give the read-only attribute assignment

Is there a way to solve? Thank you very much!

CodePudding user response:

SET the MESSAGE SEEN - obsolete Mark the MESSAGE as SEEN by the user and remove it from the missed the messages list. This command is obsolete and has had been replaced by the SET CHATMESSAGE SEEN command.
Syntax SET MESSAGE & lt; Id> SEEN
The Response MESSAGE & lt; Id> The STATUS value Properties
? - the message ID;
? Value - (new) the status value Version Protocol 1, deprecated Protocol in 3
Example - & gt; SET the MESSAGE 1578 SEEN & lt; - 1578 the STATUS MESSAGE READ

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