Home > Software engineering >  Excuse me, how to implement, bubbles and tray exist at the same time, I am realized the bubbles and
Excuse me, how to implement, bubbles and tray exist at the same time, I am realized the bubbles and


I want to realize to prompt message appear bubbles tray flashing at the same time, but running at the same time there will be a problem, is flashing bubbles, how to solve,
 BOOL CwebContainerDlg: : ShowBalloonTip (LPCTSTR szMsg, LPCTSTR szTitle, UINT uTimeout, dwords dwInfoFlags) 
Nid. CbSize=sizeof (NOTIFYICONDATA);
Nid. UFlags=NIF_INFO;
Nid. UTimeout=uTimeout;
Nid. DwInfoFlags=dwInfoFlags;
Wcscpy (nid. SzInfo szMsg? SzMsg: _T (" "));
Wcscpy (nid. SzInfoTitle, szTitle? SzTitle: _T (" "));
Return Shell_NotifyIcon (NIM_MODIFY, & amp; Nid);

This is I use a timer start
 if (nid. HIcon) 
DestroyIcon (nid. HIcon);
Nid. HIcon=NULL;
Shell_NotifyIcon (NIM_MODIFY, & amp; Nid);

The else
DestroyIcon (nid. HIcon);
Nid. HIcon=LoadIcon (AfxGetInstanceHandle (), MAKEINTRESOURCE (IDI_MAINFRAME);;//load icon in
Shell_NotifyIcon (NIM_MODIFY, & amp; Nid);


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