Home > Software engineering > MFC dialog based engineering how to add a dockable floating window? CDockablePane
MFC dialog based engineering how to add a dockable floating window? CDockablePane
RT, online said dock engineering are based on the document to add floating window, Based on the dialog box construction zha? Try the along while didn't succeed
CodePudding user response:
First add CFrameWndEx
CodePudding user response:
The reference example //mdi in dialog Void CMdiInDlgDlg: : OnButton1 () { //Only one MdiView allowed! If (m_pMyMdi) { If (IsWindow (m_pMyMdi - & gt; M_hWnd)) { M_pMdiView - & gt; DestroyWindow (); M_pMyMdi - & gt; DestroyWindow (); M_pMyMdi=0; M_pMdiView=0; } } M_pMyMdi=new CMyMdi; M_pMdiView=new CMdiView; //use the create! DWORD dwStyle=WS_CHILD | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU | WS_MINIMIZEBOX;//; // CRect rc; GetClientRect (& amp; Rc); Rc. Bottom -=50;//keep 'OK' visible If (m_pMyMdi - & gt; Create (0, 0, dwStyle, rc, this)) {//subcalss the MDIClient Windows with CMdiView for drawing M_pMyMdi - & gt; ShowWindow (SW_SHOW); M_pMdiView - & gt; SubclassWindow (m_pMyMdi - & gt; M_hWndMDIClient); } }