Home > Software engineering >  SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo (hDevInfo, 0, & DeviceInfoData), a 64 - bit system returns 0
SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo (hDevInfo, 0, & DeviceInfoData), a 64 - bit system returns 0


You need to call SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo information for the network card, SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo returns 1 on 32-bit xp, fine; In a 64 - bit Windows 7 system, the return value is 0, GetLastError (), the return value is 1784, and from the Internet, the value is that the user buffer provided by application of the operation is invalid, the code is as follows:
STD: : string strClassName="4 d36e972 - e325 ce - bfc1-08002-11 be10318";
GUID GUID, guid1;
ZeroMemory (& amp; Guid, sizeof (guid));
ZeroMemory (& amp; Guid1, sizeof (GUID));
GUIDString=(char *) strClassName. C_str ();
UuidFromString ((unsigned char *) GUIDString, & amp; Guid);

HDevInfo=SetupDiGetClassDevs (& amp; Guid, NULL, NULL, DIGCF_ALLCLASSES | DIGCF_PRESENT);
If (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE=hDevInfo https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/=
//FormatMSG (GetLastError (), & amp; LpszMsg);
Throw lpszMsg;

ZeroMemory (& amp; DeviceInfoData, sizeof (SP_DEVINFO_DATA));
DeviceInfoData. CbSize=sizeof (SP_DEVINFO_DATA);
BOOL bSuccess=SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo (hDevInfo, 0, & amp; DeviceInfoData);
DWORD nError=GetLastError ();

Consult expert, for this problem for a long time, we appreciate your guidance,

CodePudding user response:

Problems should be out here DeviceInfoData. CbSize=sizeof (SP_DEVINFO_DATA);
If it is a 64 - bit operating system distribution of 32 it
If it is a 32-bit operating system distribution of 28 it
A breakpoint and see if it is 32 bytes?

CodePudding user response:

What the compiler, VS2008, VS2013 didn't this problem

CodePudding user response:

Vc6.0 DeviceInfoData cbSize=32 also not line, must change the compiler

CodePudding user response:

No import appropriate dynamic link libraries, or does not define the appropriate GUID

# pragma comment (lib, "Winmm. Lib")
# pragma comment (lib, "setupapi. Lib")

X11d0 xc30c xf18a0e88//0, 0, 0, 0 x88, 0 x15, 0 x00 to 0 xa0, 0 xc9, 0 x06, 0 xbe, 0 xd8);

X11d2 xa5dcbf10l 0, 0 x6530, 0, 0, x90 x1f 0, 0 x00 to 0 xc0, 0 x4f, 0 xb9, 0 x51, 0 xed);

//here call success SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo
//has been testing, win8.1 x64 version can normal enumerated all usb devices

CodePudding user response:

Recommended CxDeviceFind class to find the USB devices and other equipment