Dim cn As ADODB. Connection
Dim the rs As the ADODB library you
Dim mstream As ADODB. Stream
Private Sub Form_Load ()
Set the cn=New ADODB. Connection
Set the rs=New ADODB. You
The Set mstream=New ADODB. Stream
End Sub
Private Sub cmdSaveFile_Click ()
Cn. Open "the Provider=SQLOLEDB. 1; Persist Security Info=False; User ID=sa; Initial Catalog=saveFile; The Data Source=PCOS - 05071342
"Rs. Open the "select * from TestPpt", cn, 1, 3
Mstream. Type=adTypeBinary
SQL="select filename from testppt where filename like FilePPT. The filename"
If the rs. RecordCount & gt;=1 Then
MsgBox "you want to upload the contents of the existing", vbOKCancel + 32, "tip"
End the If
Mstream. LoadFromFile "\ test. The PPT"
Rs. AddNew
Rs. The Fields (" Filecontents ")=mstream. Read
Rs! FileName=FilePPT. FileName
Rs. Update
Rs. Close
End Sub
Tip: objects do not allow the operation when it is open,
And also don't tip when you upload the same file name
CodePudding user response:
Connection to repeat open, of course notCodePudding user response:
if cn. State<> Adstateclosed then cn. Close
Cn. Open "the Provider=SQLOLEDB. 1; Persist Security Info=False; User ID=sa; Initial Catalog=saveFile; The Data Source=PCOS - 05071342
"If the rs. State<> Adstateclosed then rs. Close
Rs. Open the "select * from TestPpt", cn, 1, 3