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EXCEL form and print form


I'm going to the query results from the database, how many forms according to the article found out the number of drawing, a table similar to the order form,
Now I call to EXCEL, request the size of a piece of A4 paper draw three same form,
How to draw, and then call in c + +, and print the form
Beside the application to an EXCEL template???????

CodePudding user response:

Do a form template copying and pasting

CodePudding user response:

Start recording macros in Excel 2003, manual, complete the required function end record macros, press Alt + F11 key, check just record macro corresponding VBA code,

CodePudding user response:

Still feel directly after the VBA programming directly output the result you want good, call VS feel unnecessary,
Excel, ALT + F8 directly, directly to the VB programming

CodePudding user response:

refer to the second floor zhao4zhong1 response:
start recording macros in Excel 2003, manual, complete the required function end record macros, press Alt + F11 key, check just record macro corresponding VBA code,

There are instances?

CodePudding user response:

refer to the original poster gongspring0z response:
I'm going to the query results from the database, drawing according to the article found out the number of how many table, a table similar to the order form,
Now I call to EXCEL, request the size of a piece of A4 paper draw three same form,
How to draw, and then call in c + +, and print the form
Beside the application to an EXCEL template???????

I was to write a print program, but on how to control the paging encounter problems, I asked the others, says use EXCEL to solve this problem, so just came in and asked,

CodePudding user response:

For reference only (just to steal) :
//Copyright (C) 1992-1998 Microsoft Corporation 
//All rights reserved.
//This source code is only intended as a supplement to the
//Microsoft Visual c + + Language Reference and related
//electronic documentation provided with Microsoft Visual c + +.
//See these sources for detailed information regarding the
//Microsoft Visual c + + product.

//NOTE: This example will only work with Excel8 Office97 in
//the Compile with cl/GX comexcel. CPP
//TO DO: Edit the # import paths
//# pragma message (" Make sure you go to view the Options. The Directories and add the paths to mso97. DLL and vbeext1. The olb. Mso97. DLL will usually be a c: \ \ \ "\ Program Files \ Microsoft Office " \ \ \ "" \ \ Office, and vbeext1. The olb will be in c: \ \ " \ Program Files \ \ \ \ "" Common Files " \ \ \ "Microsoft Shared \ \ " VBA ")
# import "C: \ \ Program Files \ \ Common Files \ \ Microsoft Shared \ \ Office11 \ \ the oledata.mso DLL" no_namespace rename (" DocumentProperties ", "DocumentPropertiesXL")
# import "C: \ \ Program Files \ \ Common Files \ \ Microsoft Shared \ \ VBA \ VBA6 \ \ VBE6EXT OLB" no_namespace
# import "C: \ \ Program Files \ \ Microsoft Office \ \ OFFICE11 \ \ excel exe" rename (" DialogBox ", "DialogBoxXL") rename (" RGB ", "RBGXL") rename (" DocumentProperties ", "DocumentPropertiesXL") no_dual_interfaces

# pragma warning (of which: 4192 4146)


Void dump_com_error (_com_error & amp; E)
_tprintf (_T (" Oops - hit an error! \ n "));
_tprintf (_T (" \ \ a tCode=% 08 lx \ n "), e.E rror ());
_tprintf (_T (" \ \ a tCode fancy=% s \ n "), e.E rrorMessage ());
_bstr_t bstrSource (e.S ource ());
_bstr_t bstrDescription (e.D escription ());
_tprintf (_T (" \ \ a tSource=% s \ n "), (LPCTSTR) bstrSource);
_tprintf (_T (" \ \ a tDescription=% s \ n "), (LPCTSTR) bstrDescription);

//If this is placed in the scope of the smart Pointers, they must be
//explicitly Release (d) before CoUninitialize () is called. If any reference
//count is non - zero, a protection fault will occur.
Struct StartOle
StartOle () {CoInitialize (NULL); }
~ StartOle () {CoUninitialize (); }
} _inst_StartOle;

Void main ()
Using the namespace Excel;

_ApplicationPtr pXL;

PXL. CreateInstance (L "Excel. Application");

The pXL - & gt; The Visible=VARIANT_TRUE;

WorkbooksPtr pBooks=pXL - & gt; Workbooks.
_WorkbookPtr pBook=pBooks - & gt; Add ((long) xlWorksheet);
_WorksheetPtr pSheet=pXL - & gt; ActiveSheet.

RangePtr pRange.
PRange=pSheet - & gt; Range [A21 "];
PRange - & gt; Value2=75 l;
//pRange - & gt; NumberFormatLocal="@".

_CommandBarsPtr pCmdbars=pXL - & gt; CommandBars;
Int iCmdbars=pCmdbars - & gt; GetCount ();

Sleep (1000);
PRange=pSheet - & gt; Range (" he "),
PRange - & gt; Insert ((long) Excel: : xlDown);
PRange - & gt; Merge ();

Sleep (1000);

PBook - & gt; Saved=VARIANT_TRUE;
The pXL - & gt; The Quit ();
The catch (_com_error & amp; E)
Dump_com_error (e);

The pXL - & gt; The Quit ();
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