CodePudding user response:
VB.Net via IP address to obtain the Mac address
Imports System
Imports System. Diagnostics
Public Class MacAddress
The Public Function GetMac (ByVal IP As String) As String
Dim str1 As String=String. The Empty
Dim str2 As String=String. The Empty
Dim info1 As ProcessStartInfo=New ProcessStartInfo ()
Dim process1 As Process=New Process ()
Info1. FileName="nbtstat"
Info1. RedirectStandardInput=False
Info1. RedirectStandardOutput=True
Info1. The Arguments="-a" + IP
Info1. UseShellExecute=False
Process1=Process. The Start (info1)
Dim num1 As Integer=1
While (num1 & lt;=1)
Num1=str2. The Trim (). ToLower (). The IndexOf (" MAC address ", 0)
If (num1 & gt; 1) Then
The Exit While
End the If
Str2=process1. StandardOutput. ReadLine ()
Process1. WaitForExit ()
Str1=str2. The Trim ()
End While
Catch the ex As Exception
Throw the ex
End the Try
Return str1
End the Function