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My god, how to connect MYSQL8.0


Vb6 connection MYSQL8.0 version of this connection string exactly how to write,,, at reading,,

Is that so?
StrCn="Provider=MSDASQL; Driver={8.0 Uniocde MySQL ODBC Driver};" & "SERVER=" & amp; Db_host & amp; ";" & "The DATABASE=" & amp; Haoshgendata & amp; ";" & _
"UID=" & amp; Db_user & amp; "; The PWD="& amp; Db_pass & amp; "; Option=3;"
Is that so?
StrCn="Driver={MySQL ODBC Driver 8.0};" & "SERVER=" & amp; Db_host & amp; ";" & "The DATABASE=" & amp; Haoshgendata & amp; ";" & _
"UID=" & amp; Db_user & amp; "; The PWD="& amp; Db_pass & amp; "; Option=3;"

Is that so?
StrCn="Provider=MSDASQL; Driver={8 (w) MySQL ODBC Driver};" & "SERVER=" & amp; Db_host & amp; ";" & "The DATABASE=" & amp; Haoshgendata & amp; ";" & _
"UID=" & amp; Db_user & amp; "; The PWD="& amp; Db_pass & amp; "; Option=3;"

What to do,

CodePudding user response:

I received, the answer is the first,
Problem is the drive, VB6 is 32-bit development system, must be put on the 32-bit ODBC driver,

CodePudding user response:

The database version with this new, can also write directly at Vb.net

CodePudding user response:

Connect mysql to see what is on your computer to install myql odbc driver version, have to specify the driver segment, surveillance camera to sell

CodePudding user response:

CnStr="Provider=SQLOLEDB. 1; Password=nisheiani11; Persist Security Info=True; User ID=sa; Initial Catalog=SCBSC; Data Source= "
'define the data connection string
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