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Questions about using vb6 query mysql


On the first code
Dim yz As Integer
Dim cn As New ADODB. Connection
Dim the rs As New ADODB. You
Dim strCn As String
Dim db_host As String
Dim db_user As String
Dim db_pass As String
Dim db_data As String
Dim As SQL String
Dim un1 As String
Dim pw1 As String

Private Sub Command1_Click ()
Dim yz1 As Integer
If Text1. Text="" Then
MsgBox "please input your account"
ElseIf Text2. Text="" Then
MsgBox "please enter your password"
ElseIf Text3. Text="" Then
MsgBox "please enter the verification code"
ElseIf current_un="+ un1 +" And current_pw="+ pw1 +" Then
MsgBox "landing successful
"Form3. Show
Form1. Hide
The Else
MsgBox "your account or password incorrect"
End the If

Private Sub Form_Load ()
Db_host="XXXX" (the database connection has been successfully)
Db_user="login" (the database connection has been successfully)
Db_pass="XXXX (the database connection has been successfully)
Db_data="https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/login" (the database connection has been successfully)
StrCn="DRIVER={8.0 ANSI MySQL ODBC DRIVER};" & "SERVER=" & amp; Db_host & amp; ";" & "The DATABASE=" & amp; Db_data & amp; ";" & "UID=" & amp; Db_user & amp; "; The PWD="& amp; Db_pass & amp; ";" & "OPTION=3;" (the database connection has been successfully)
Cn. Open strCn (database connection has been successfully)

SQL="select * from the login"
Rs. The Open SQL, cn

Z=Int (Rnd () * 10000 + 1000)
Label4. Caption="" & amp; Yz
End Sub

I want to query un1=database intermediate hurdles of the UN's data and same line pw field=pw1
The form3. Show, Form1. Hide log in successfully

CodePudding user response:

SQL="select login_name, login_password from Login_table where login_name='" & amp; Text1. Text & amp; "' and login_password=" & amp; Text2. Text & amp; "'" 'assignment

Rs. The Open SQL, rc
If the Rs. RecordCount & gt; 0 Then 'rs. Recordcount meaning for article list record for
Integrated interface. The Show
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