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The same code to run several times more than ten times as much time gap?


A macro, read the data mapping to deal with the same 9 files, start a minute or three or four minutes to run, run a few times more ten minutes come down, even an hour later to run out,
What circumstance,
 Public FC As Integer 'count for TXT files 
The Public As the Variant f
Public FCSV (10) As String
Public ind (10) As String
Public data (1 To 10, 1 To 4000) As the String

Sub RTD ()
Dim tm
Tm=Now ()

'On the Error Resume Next
Application. ScreenUpdating=False
Application. DisplayAlerts=False

'the clear contents
Sheets (" Charts "). Activate
Range (Cells (1, 2), Cells (4100, 100)). Select
Selection. ClearContents

'the clear charts
Dim As ChartObject b
For Each b In ActiveSheet. ChartObjects
B.D elete

'get the CSV files name
MsgBox "Compare the same station for company's tools", 0, "Open file"

'Get the path/name of the response *. CSV file
F=Application. GetOpenFilename (" Excel Files (*. CSV), *. CSV ", 1, "Open the CSV Files", "Oppp", True)

FC=UBound (f)

If FC=1 Or FC & gt; 10 Then
MsgBox "the Number of files should be less than or equal to 10 and greater than or equal to 2"
The Exit Sub
End the If

'Open the each *. CSV file
For j=1 To FC
'1. Path
The backslash=InStr (lngStart, f (j), "")
If the backslash=0 Then
FCSV (j)=Right (f (j), Len (f (j)) - lngStart + 1)
The Else
LngStart=backslash + 1
End the If
Loop While backslash & gt; 0
'2. The File name
The dot=InStr (lngStart, FCSV (j), ". ")
Ind (j)=Left (FCSV (j), dot - 1)

Workbooks. Open f (j)

Next j

Windows (ind (1)). Activate
URR=Application. CountA (ActiveSheet. Range (A: A))
URC=Application. CountA (ActiveSheet. Range (" 1 "))
For j=1 To URC - 1

'copy the data from files
Windows (ind (1)). Activate
Yname=Cells (1, j + 1)
For I=1 To URR - 1
Data (1, I)=Cells (I + 1, j + 1)
Next I

For M=2 To FC
Windows (ind (M)). Activate
URC2=Application. CountA (ActiveSheet. Range (" 1 "))
URR2=Application. CountA (ActiveSheet. Range (A: A))
For n=1 To URC2
If Cells (1, n)=Yname Then
For I=1 To URR2-1
Data (M, I)=Cells (I + 1, j + 1)
Next I
The Exit For
End the If
The Next n
Next M

'the paste data to "RTD CHARTS
"Windows (" RTD CHARTS "). Activate
For I=1 To FC
Cells (101, 1 + I - FC + FC * j)=Yname
Cells (100, 1 + I - FC + FC * j)=ind (I)
For M=1 To URR2-1
Cells (M + 101, 1 + I - FC + FC * j)=data (I, M)
Next M
Next I

'make Charts
If j & gt; 1 Then
Cells (1, 1). Select

If p=7 Then
Q=q + 1
End the If
ActiveSheet. Shapes. AddChart2 (240, xlXYScatterSmoothNoMarkers, Cells (2 + 1 (q) * 16, 2 + 8 * (p - 2)). The Left, the Cells (2 +) (q - 1 * 16, 2 + 8 * (p - 2)). The Top). Select
P=p + 1

ActiveChart. ChartTitle. Text=Cells (101, (j - 1) * FC + 3)
For I=1 To FC
ActiveChart. SeriesCollection. NewSeries
ActiveChart. FullSeriesCollection (I). The Name=Cells (100, 1 + I)
URR=Application. CountA (ActiveSheet. Range (Cells (1, I + 1), Cells (5000, I + 1)))
ActiveChart. FullSeriesCollection (I). XValues=Range (Cells (102, I + 1), Cells (URR, I + 1))
URR=Application. CountA (ActiveSheet. Range (Cells (1, 1 + I - FC + FC * j), Cells (5000, 1 + I - FC + FC * j)))
ActiveChart. FullSeriesCollection (I). The Values=Range (Cells (102, 1 + I - FC + FC * j), Cells (URR, 1 + I - FC + FC * j))
Next I
ActiveChart. SetElement (msoElementLegendBottom)
End the If

Erase the data ()
Next j

'close the files one by one,
For j=1 To FC
Windows (FCSV (j)). Activate
ActiveWorkbook. Close SaveChanges:=False
Next j

Application. ScreenUpdating=True
Application. DisplayAlerts=True
MsgBox "Time - consuming is" & amp; The Format (Now () - tm, "hh: mm: ss")
End Sub

CodePudding user response:

Run time press CTRL + break, see where most of the time stop, there is the most time-consuming operation;

CodePudding user response:

Perform a few times, you Excel file is bigger, this may be the reason

CodePudding user response:

Big load calculation is best VB6
  •  Tags:  
  • VBA
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