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Basic C polygon area algorithm


Because the project used in shape is more, although as a rectangle, round area of these shapes algorithm is simpler, but if each shape with the programmer to write algorithms, too much trouble, could not all written,
Only with area with the general integral algorithm, but how to through the incoming polygon area by using integral?

CodePudding user response:

The realization of the reference source OpenCV projects cvContourArea function,

CodePudding user response:


CodePudding user response:

Shoelaces by formula are available, and the specific reference: https://blog.csdn.net/yang_deyuan/article/details/78863424

CodePudding user response:

We are made of numerical integration method, all the parameters of the curve can be used,

CodePudding user response:

Void CFillTudouDlg: : OnButton1 ()
//TODO: Add your the control notification handler code here
Int the end=0;
The CDC * pDC=m_Pic. GetDC ();
CRect rc;
M_Pic. GetClientRect (rc);
CRgn allRgn tmpRgn;
AllRgn. CreateRectRgn (0,0,0,0);
For (int y=0; Y & lt; Rc. Height (); Y++)
For (int x=0; X & lt; Rc. Width (); X++)
COLORREF col=pDC - & gt; GetPixel (x, y);
if((! Start) & amp; & (col==RGB (0, 0)))
{//once a line
//find the end
Int e=x;
Int repeat=x;
//the skip the as many as black points
While ((pDC - & gt; GetPixel (e, y)==RGB (0, 0)) & amp; & (e & lt; Rc. Width ()))
//search end
While ((pDC - & gt; GetPixel (e, y)!=RGB (0, 0)) & amp; & (e & lt; Rc. Width ()))
//if after the end, still black points
While ((pDC - & gt; GetPixel (e, y)==RGB (0, 0)) & amp; & (e & lt; Rc. Width ()))
//check valid x
If (e==rc. Width ())
{//not found
The else
}//end the if ((! Start) & amp; & (col==RGB (0, 0)))
//add RGN
If (start & amp; & (x & lt; End))
If # 1//not use RGN
PDC - & gt; SetPixel (x, y, RGB (0, 255));
# the else
TmpRgn. CreateRectRgn (x, y, x + 1, y + 1);
AllRgn.Com bineRgn (& amp; AllRgn, & amp; TmpRgn RGN_OR);
TmpRgn. DeleteObject ();
# endif
}//end for x
//reset flag
}//end for y
# if 0
//the draw RGN
The CBrush br;
Br. CreateSolidBrush (RGB (0, 255));
PDC - & gt; FillRgn (& amp; AllRgn, & amp; Br);
The ReleaseDC (pDC);
# endif

Record the pDC - & gt; SetPixel (x, y, RGB (0, 255)); The point is the area
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