CodePudding user response:
What is the error information? Relevant files are added to the project? Engineering property is set correctly?CodePudding user response:
1 & gt; Demo2. Obj: error LNK2019: cannot resolve the external symbol "__declspec (dllimport) public: __thiscall STD: : basic_string & lt; Char, struct STD: : char_traits & lt; Char> Class, STD: : allocator1 & gt; Demo2. Obj: error LNK2019: cannot resolve the external symbol of "void __cdecl libtorrent: : rel_performancetimer_pools_nolog_resolvecountries_deprecated_dht_ext_ (void)" (? Rel_performancetimer_pools_nolog_resolvecountries_deprecated_dht_ext_ @ libtorrent @ @ YAXXZ), the symbol in the function "public: __thiscall libtorrent: : session: : session (struct libtorrent: : fingerprint const & amp; , int, unsigned int) "(?????? 0 session @ libtorrent @ @ QAE @ ABUfingerprint @ 1 @ @ HI Z) referenced
1 & gt; D: \ libtorrent \ demo \ demo2 \ Debug \ demo2 exe: fatal error LNK1120:2 cannot resolve external commands
CodePudding user response: user response:
Run to release compiled, but nowadays is not down, the seed and the only generates a corresponding folder, this is whyCodePudding user response:
To see your download source, without downloading the source, there is no download speedCodePudding user response:
Under the same resource, use thunderbolt can, tried several resources are the same problemCodePudding user response:
Only yesterday did I compiled, demo can also download things, thank youCodePudding user response: