Home > Software engineering >  VB6 use wininet. DLL method HttpOpenRequestA returns 0, the error code is 87?
VB6 use wininet. DLL method HttpOpenRequestA returns 0, the error code is 87?


Read on the Internet the VB code, is to use InternetOpenA first and then use InternetConnectA, with HttpOpenRequestA finally done, run successful return value is a number, is to handle, but no matter how I change, HttpOpenRequestA return is zero, and Err LastDllError return number is 87, the same API on top of other language is possible, do not know can you help me with a great god, what exactly where the problem is?

Code is almost so I write, is called the wininet. DLL interface, including - 2147467248 is my pick out elsewhere, would have been some constants or as a result,
Public Sub testaaa ()
Dim As Long a
Dim As Long b
Dim As Long c

A=InternetOpenA (" Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64. X64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/77.0.3865.75 Safari/537.36 ", 1, ""," ", 0)
A, b=InternetConnect (" www.baidu.com ", 80, ""," ", 3, 0, 0)
C=HttpOpenRequestA (b, "GET", "/", "HTTP/1.1," vbNullString, 0, 2147467248, 0)
The Debug. Print Err. LastDllError

The Debug. Print a; b; C
End Sub
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