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Consult a great god VB 6 DataGrid1 data export EXCEL


Statistics button then query the data points is used to derive the tip 424 request object
This code has been found from the BBS, please tell me where can I find this is problem, I am a VB small white
Private Sub Command2_Click ()
Dim I, r, c As Integer
Dim newxls As New Excel. Application 'statement Application object
Dim newbook As New Excel. The Workbook
Dim newsheet As New Excel. The Worksheet

The Set newbook=newxls. Workbooks. Add 'create work thin
Set newsheet=newbook. Worksheets (1) 'create work table
With CommonDialog1
. CancelError=False 'in the dialog box, press the cancel button is not an error
The Flags=cdlOFNHideReadOnly & amp; CdlOFNOverwritePrompt
. The Filter="Excel Files (*. XLS) | *. XLS" 'at the bottom of the dialog box "file type" drop-down quantico displays the contents of the "
. FilterIndex=1 "choose" save the type "the first value is the default value, namely" Excel Files (*. XLS) | *. XLS "
. ShowSave

'set the Excel format the content, now temporarily not
'With newsheet
'. The Cells. The Font. The Name="System"
. '. The Cells. The Font Size=12
'Name="data list
'Range (Cells (1, 1), Cells (1, DataGrid1. Columns. The Count)). Select
'Selection. The HorizontalAlignment=xlCenter
'Selection. VerticalAlignment=xlCenter
'Selection. The Merge' merging center
'Cells (1, 1)="export excel file
"'End With

If the rs. RecordCount & gt; 0 Then
For I=0 To DataGrid1. 'circulation add header Columns. The Count - 1
Newsheet. Cells (2, I + 1)=DataGrid1. Columns (I). The Caption
Rs. MoveFirst
Do Until the rs.R=rs. AbsolutePosition 'read you object position the current record number
For c=0 To DataGrid1. Columns. The Count - 1
DataGrid1, Col=c 'read c column data
Newsheet. Cells (r + 2, c + 1)=DataGrid1. Columns (c)
Rs. MoveNext
End the If

Newsheet. SaveAs FileName:=CommonDialog1 FileName
Newbook. Close
Newxls. Quit
The Set newbook=Nothing
The Set newsheet=Nothing
The Set newxls=Nothing
Set the conn=Nothing
Set the rs=Nothing

End With
MsgBox "data export success," vbMsgBoxRight, "tip"
End Sub
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