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How to use the OpenDataSource method, vb import XLS to SQL server2005 database


How to use the OpenDataSource method, vb import XLS to SQL server2005 database
Dim objConn As New ADODB. Connection
Const recordsaffected=30
Const adCmdText=1
Const adCmdTable=2
Const adOpenKeyset=1
Const adLockPessimistic=2

'to connect to the database
Public Sub ConnectToServer ()
On Error GoTo Errmsg
ObjConn. Open "driver={SQL Server}; Server="& amp; DBIP & amp; "; Uid="& amp; DBuid & amp; "; The PWD="& amp; DBpwd & amp; "; The database="& amp; DBName & amp; ";"
The Exit Sub
MsgBox "the database connection error, please contact your administrator!" & Err, Description, vbInformation
End Sub

'here is the import program
'first remove that data, support repeatedly import
CommandText="delete from" & amp; STableName & amp; "Where pt_dt='" & amp; ProDataDate & amp; "'
"ObjConn. Execute CommandText recordsaffected, adCmdText
'the import data
CommandText="insert into" & amp; STableName & amp; "(" & amp; The Replace (sFieldNames, "|", ", ") & amp; ") "& amp; _
"SELECT" & amp; The Replace (sFieldNames, "|", ", ") & amp; _
"FROM OpenDataSource (' Microsoft. Jet. The OLEDB. 4.0", "& amp; _
"' Data Source=" "" & amp; CheckFilePath (App. Path) & amp; SFileName & amp; "" "; User ID=; Password=; Extended properties=8.0 ') Excel "& amp; _
"... [" & amp; sTableName & amp; "_" & amp; the Format (DTPicker1) Value, "YYYYMMDD") & amp; "$]"
ObjConn. Execute CommandText recordsaffected, adCmdText
Print "of" new import & amp; STableName & amp; "Table" & amp; I_n & amp; "A record of success!"

'but it is an error, VB object closing operation is not allowed I don't know why?

'want to import, fast speed, but cannot solve the above problem, finally had to use Excel. The Application, a a insert, slowly
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