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[for] use VBA in Excel in multiple worksheet copy form to PPT, met the Range () fails


Use VBA in Excel in multiple worksheet copy form to PPT, action is very simple, but in the Range (and fail - worksheet object), image & amp; The attached below
(actually I first place before the attempt is in red mark out of the question to add Dim xlSheet2 As Excel. The Worksheet and Set xlSheet2=xlBook. Worksheets (" X1ASIMajor1 "), but it will prompt: execution phase error 430, item category does not support AUTOMATION or expected interface)
Please help, thank you don't know where the problem is,

Sub test ()

Dim xlApp As Excel. Application
Dim xlBook As Excel. The Workbook
Dim xlSheet1 As Excel Worksheet, xlSheet2 As Excel. The Worksheet
The Set xlApp=New Excel. Application
The Set xlBook=xlApp. Workbooks. Open (" C: \ Users \ z17073216 \ Desktop \ QE PPT Report Output \ Failure Summary_20190826151732 ")
The Set xlSheet1=xlBook. Worksheets (" X1ACQAMajor ")
The Set xlSheet2=xlBook. Worksheets (" X1ASIMajor1 ")

ActiveWindow. Selection. SlideRange. Shapes. AddTextbox (msoTextOrientationHorizontal, (12.7-10.4)/0.035 (9.5 8.35)/0.035 (12.3 + 10.5)/0.035, 0.035 (8.4 7.1)/). Select
ActiveWindow. Selection. TextRange. Text="X1A Quality Performance l 08/13 (05:00-05:00)"
ActiveWindow. Selection. TextRange. The Font. The Name="Arial"
ActiveWindow. Selection. TextRange. The Font. The Size=24
ActiveWindow. Selection. TextRange. ParagraphFormat. BaseLineAlignment=ppBaselineAlignCenter

XlSheet1. Range (" B2: L12). Copy
ActiveWindow. View. PasteSpecial ppPasteOLEObject
XlSheet1. Application. CutCopyMode=False
XlBook. Close True
ActiveWindow. Selection. SlideRange. Shapes (2). Top=(9.5 6.5)/0.035
ActiveWindow. Selection. SlideRange. Shapes (2) Left=11 (12.7 -) 0.035/

xlSheet2. Range (" B2: L12). Copy
ActiveWindow. View. PasteSpecial ppPasteOLEObject
XlSheet2. Application. CutCopyMode=False
XlBook. Close True
ActiveWindow. Selection. SlideRange. Shapes (3). The Top=(9.5 + 1)/0.035
ActiveWindow. Selection. SlideRange. Shapes (3) Left=11 (12.7 -) 0.035/
End Sub
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  • VBA
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