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VB how to control the Open office calc grid border lines


As title, VB how to control the Open office calc grid border lines
Set the document=oDesktop. CurrentComponent. CurrentController. Frame
Set the dispatcher=oServiceManager. CreateInstance (" com. Sun. Star. Frame. DispatchHelper ")
Call oDesktop. CurrentComponent. CurrentController. Select (oSheet. GetCellRangeByName (" A5: M & amp;" NI))
Set t2 (0)=MakePropertyValue (" OuterBorder. LeftBorder ", Array (0, 0, 2, 0))
The Set t2 (1)=MakePropertyValue (" OuterBorder. LeftDistance ", 0)
Set t2 (2)=MakePropertyValue (" OuterBorder. RightBorder ", Array (0, 0, 2, 0))
The Set t2 (3)=MakePropertyValue (" OuterBorder. RightDistance ", 0)
Set t2 (4)=MakePropertyValue (" OuterBorder. TopBorder ", Array (0, 0, 2, 0))
The Set t2 (5)=MakePropertyValue (" OuterBorder. TopDistance ", 0)
Set t2 (6)=MakePropertyValue (" OuterBorder. BottomBorder ", Array (0, 0, 2, 0))
The Set t2 (7)=MakePropertyValue (" OuterBorder. BottomDistance ", 0)
Call the dispatcher. ExecuteDispatch (document, "uno: SetBorderStyle", "", 0, t2)
The above is my online copy of a piece of code
Set the document=oDesktop. CurrentComponent. CurrentController. Frame, the line running tips no CurrentController Object, what is it?
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