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Vb.net jiujiu multiplication tables


At school, learning the multiplication table, double Yang in vb just learned the triangle and the lower triangular struggling in the computer class, have a class to try out, feel stupid, is still want to share code,
Upper triangular
Dim se As String
Label1. Text=Space (35) & amp; "Jiujiu" multiplication tables & amp; VbCrLf
Label1. Text & amp;=Space (35) & amp; "-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --" & amp; VbCrLf
For I=1 To 9
For j=1 To I
Se=I & amp; "X" & amp; J & amp; "=" & amp; I * j
Label1. Text & amp;=se & amp; Space (8 - Len (se))
Next j
Label1. Text & amp;=vbCrLf
Next I
Lower triangular
Dim se As String
Label1. Text=Space (35) & amp; "Jiujiu" multiplication tables & amp; VbCrLf
Label1. Text & amp;=Space (35) & amp; "-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --" & amp; VbCrLf
For I=1 To 9
For j=To 9 I
Se=I & amp; "X" & amp; J & amp; "=" & amp; I * j
Label1. Text & amp;=se & amp; Space (8 - Len (se))
Next j
Label1. Text & amp;=vbCrLf & amp; 8 * space (I)
Next I
According to written in the book, write very simple,
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