Use the bat batch file program movement quantity specified file to the specified folder, for example, A folder image existing 100 pieces, you need to first 20 pictures folder, move to B asked the great spirit
CodePudding user response:
Bat may be difficult, simple words can use VBS:
The set of fso=createobject (" scripting. Filesystemobject ") Curdir=fso. Getparentfoldername (wscript. Scriptfullname) DirA=fso. Buildpath (curdir, "A") DirB=fso. Buildpath (curdir, "B") For each objfile in fso. Getfolder (dirA.) files If lcase (fso) getextensionname (objfile. Name))="JPG" then Objfile. Move fso. Buildpath (dirB, objfile name) The count=count + 1 If the count & gt; 20 then= The exit for End the if End the if Next Msgbox "done!"
Run the example: Download address: Link: The extracted code: jcit
CodePudding user response:
I also feel a bit hard for you, thank you very much