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C will be how a member function runs in a thread


Recently wrote A project, such as A class member function, this member function to do some heavy things such as an HTTP request, I call this
in thread AMember function is not reality, to this member function is assigned to a thread to run inside, what's the elegant way?

For example,
The class ClassA obj.
Obj. Fun ()//the fun is the HTTP request or some other heavy things to perform a few seconds, I want to put the thread execution,

I now use method is not good, such as a thread pool has a thread is idle, I members in class defines a static function
Static int threadFun (ClassA * self)
The self - & gt; Fun ();
So to perform, encapsulation is bad, such as I to perform fun2 () and want to go alone to write a threadFun2, very ugly,
Who have a better way?

Originally wanted to use assembly code to ecx then call, and this pointer is unreliable different compiler thiscall calling convention is different also, in the aspect of c + + are there ways to do?

CodePudding user response:

consider using class function pointer

CodePudding user response:

All thought of assembly directly use ecx assignment, class a function pointer, the thread parameters up or structure, all the pointer to the inside,

CodePudding user response:

The function or to write one,
Fubctions into an array,
In the class have a index m_funidx
Static int threadFun (ClassA * self)
The self - & gt; Funs [m_funidx];

CodePudding user response:

You can define some callback function, the callback function and the related CONTEXT CONTEXT parameter encapsulation, as the parameter passed to the thread function threads,

CodePudding user response:

Static int threadFun ()
ClassA * self=new ClassA ();
The self - & gt; Fun ();
This set is not good encapsulation?

CodePudding user response:

 class IRunnable 
Virtual void the Run ()=0;

The class CThread
CThread (IRunnable * run);
~ CThread ();

Void the Start ();
Void WaitFinish ();

IRunnable * m_run=NULL;
HANDLE m_hThread=NULL;

The building Lord have understand callbacks and virtual function?
So, the above interface can do it,

CodePudding user response:

 # include "stdafx. H" 
# include "Thread. H"

CThread: : CThread (IRunnable * run)

CThread: : ~ CThread ()
: : CloseHandle (m_hThread);

The static DWORD WINAPI ThreadFunc (LPVOID param)
Param CThread * thread=(CThread *);
If (thread - & gt; M_run!=NULL)
Thread - & gt; M_run - & gt; The Run ();
return 0;

Void CThread: : Start ()
If (m_hThread==NULL)
DWORD dwThreadID=0;
M_hThread=: : CreateThread (NULL, 0, ThreadFunc, this, 0, & amp; DwThreadID);

Void CThread: : WaitFinish ()
: : WaitForSingleObject (m_hThread, INFINITE);

CodePudding user response:


Under reference QThreadPool, and measures for the implementation of QRunnable
Actually this is common in the Java design patterns,,,

CodePudding user response:

Haven't junction post?
Enclose a list, with each request to this list

Threads inside the

While (1)
If (threadover)

Int res=waitforsingleobject (newmsgevent, waittime);
According to the res judgment if not object_0
Then the newmsg without destroyed by other local
The likelihood is timeout, or directly break end thread

Resetevent (newmsgevent);
//to handle
ClassA * self=list. The getmsg ();
List. Remove (slef);
Self. Dosomething ();

The list is empty, the new information such as direct stuck to
{if (list. Isnotempty ())
//otherwise direct return to overtime, and then processing

Afraid of data volume high CPU can sleep once more, under normal circumstances feel not necessary, according to the actual demand,

Request came, do the following processing

ClassA * self=createnewrequest ();
List. The add (slef);
Setevent (newmsgevent);

Logic is simple, the thread is good writing,
Need to pay attention to the problem is that the list you need to do to thread mutex, otherwise multi-threaded insert, delete will go wrong,
Handle other events/the creation of a global variable is small dishes,

CodePudding user response:

The c + + 11 closure can be implemented easily and can even use generic thread pool https://github.com/gdlxSong/GdlLib/tree/master/gdltool/threadpool

In addition, c + + 11 standard library provides threading library, you can use the STD: : thread,

The class Test {
Void the run (int) {}

The main () {
Test the Test;
STD: : thread th (& amp; The Test: : run, & amp; The test, 20);
Th. The join ();

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