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Vb a great god, please help


This is the code for the design of 2048 games under the great god, please help me translate what is the purpose of which is a part of several modules like this thank you
Option Explicit

Dim BoxValue (3, 3) As an Integer 'grid numerical
Dim Score As Long 'Score

Private Sub Form_KeyDown (KeyCode As an Integer, Shift the As an Integer)
The Select Case KeyCode
Case vbKeyLeft
Call MoveBox (1)
Case vbKeyRight
Call MoveBox (2)
Case vbKeyUp
Call MoveBox (3)
Case vbKeyDown
Call MoveBox (4)
Case vbKeySpace
Call NewGame
End the Select
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load ()
Me. Width=8000
Me. Height=9000
Me. The Caption="2048"

Picture1. Move (Me) ScaleWidth - 6810)/2, 1200, 6810, 6810
Picture1. Appearance=0
Picture1. BackColor=RGB (128, 128, 128)
Picture1. FontSize=32
Picture1. AutoRedraw=True
FontSize=Picture1. FontSize

Label1. AutoSize=True
Label1. Move the Picture1. Left, Picture1. Left
Label1. FontSize=24
Label1. BorderStyle=0
Label1="score: 0

Call NewGame
End Sub

'Private Sub NewGame ()
Dim R As an Integer, C As Integer
Dim L As an Integer, T As Integer

For R=1 To 4
For C=1 To 4
L=(C - 1) * 110 + 10
T=(R - 1) * 110 + 10
Picture1. Line (L, T) - (L + 100, + 100 T), RGB (200, 200, 200), BF
BoxValue (C - R - 1, 1)=0

End Sub

'a grid
Private Sub DrawBox (ByVal N As an Integer, ByVal R As an Integer, ByVal C As an Integer)
Dim L As an Integer, T As Integer
Dim tmpStr As String
Dim W As Integer

L=C * 110 + 10
T=R * 110 + 10

If N=0 Then
Picture1. Line (L, T) - (L + 100, + 100 T), RGB (200, 200, 200), BF
The Else
Picture1. Line (L, T) - (L + 100, + 100 T), BoxColor (N), BF
TmpStr=Trim (Str (N))
W=TextWidth (" 0 ")/Screen. TwipsPerPixelX
Picture1. CurrentX=L + (100 - TextWidth (tmpStr)/Screen. TwipsPerPixelX)/2 - W
Picture1. CurrentY=T + (100 - TextHeight (tmpStr)/Screen. TwipsPerPixelY)/2

Picture1. Print N
End the If

BoxValue (R, C)=N
End Sub

mobile gridPrivate Sub MoveBox (ByVal Fx As Integer)
Dim B As an Integer, N As an Integer, S As Integer
Dim R As an Integer, C As an Integer, K As Integer
Dim bMove As Boolean

If Fx & lt; 3 Then 'move around
If Fx=1 Then
B=1: N=3: S=1
The Else
B=2: N=0: S=1
End the If

For R=0 To 3
K=IIf (Fx=1, 0, 3)
For C=B To N Step S
If BoxValue (R, C) & gt; 0 Then
If (BoxValue (R, C)=BoxValue (R, K)) Then
DrawBox BoxValue (R, C) * 2, R, K
DrawBox 0, R, C
Score=+ BoxValue Score (R, K)
If BoxValue (R, K)=2048 Then
MsgBox "wow! Amazing! Admire you ~ ", vbInformation
End the If
The Else
If BoxValue (R, K) & gt; 0 Then
K=K + S
If K & lt;> Then C
DrawBox BoxValue (R, C), R, K
DrawBox 0, R, C
End the If
The Else
DrawBox BoxValue (R, C), R, K
DrawBox 0, R, C
End the If
End the If
End the If
Next C
Next R
Move up and down the Else '
If Fx=3 Then
B=1: N=3: S=1
The Else
B=2: N=0: S=1
End the If

For C=0 To 3
K=IIf (Fx=3, 0, 3)
For R=B To N Step S
If BoxValue (R, C) & gt; 0 Then
If BoxValue (R, C)=BoxValue (K, C) Then
DrawBox BoxValue (R, C) * 2, K, C
DrawBox 0, R, C
Score=Score + BoxValue (K, C)
If BoxValue (R, K)=2048 Then
MsgBox "wow! Amazing! Admire you ~ ", vbInformation
End the If
The Else
If BoxValue (K, C) & gt; 0 Then
K=K + S
If K & lt;> R Then
DrawBox BoxValue (R, C), K, C
DrawBox 0, R, C
End the If
The Else
DrawBox BoxValue (R, C), K, C
DrawBox 0, R, C
End the If
End the If
End the If
Next R
Next C
End the If

If bMove Then
Label1="score:" & amp; Score

'check the stand-off
For R=0 To 3
For C=0 To 3
If BoxValue (R, C)=0 Then the Exit Sub
If R & lt; 3 Then If BoxValue (R, C)=BoxValue (R + 1, C) Then the Exit Sub
If C & lt; 3 Then If BoxValue (R, C)=BoxValue (R, C + 1) Then the Exit Sub

MsgBox "no way to go ~ ~ ~ good luck next time!" , vbInformation

Call NewGame
End the If
End Sub

'to generate new squaresPrivate Sub NewBox ()
Dim R As an Integer, C As Integer

R=Int (Rnd * 4)
C=Int (Rnd * 4)

The Do While BoxValue (R, C) & gt; 0
R=Int (Rnd * 4)
C=Int (Rnd * 4)

BoxValue (R, C)=2
DrawBox 2, R, C
End Sub

Color 'squares
Private Function BoxColor (ByVal N As an Integer) As Long
The Select Case N
Case 2
BoxColor=& amp; HC0E0FF
Case 4
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