//function function:
//open the file
//function input:
//char * pFileName
//file name
//CFile * pFile
//file handle
//int FileType
//0 source file, read-only file
//1 target files, create and write
//function returns:
//0 success
//1 pointer null
//2 abnormal file operations
//3 file open failed
Int OpenFileEx (char * pFileName, CFile * pFile, int FileType)
BOOL bRet=0;
CFileException e;
If ((pFileName==NULL) | | (pFile==NULL))
The return (1);
The else
If (FileType==0)
BRet=pFile - & gt; Open (pFileName, CFile: : modeRead | CFile: : typeBinary, & amp; E);
The else
BRet=pFile - & gt; Open (pFileName, CFile: : modeCreate | CFile: : modeWrite, & amp; E);
If (bRet==TRUE)
Return (0);
The else
Return (3);
The catch (CFileException e)
Return (2);
Error message:
Error C2316: "CFileException" : not as a destructor, copy constructor or inaccessible or deleted, or at the same time appear in both cases
CodePudding user response:
Find a solution, will catch (CFileException e) into the catch (CFileException * e),Does anyone know why this is?
CodePudding user response:
Void AFXAPI AfxThrowFileException (int cause, LONG lOsError,
LPCTSTR lpszFileName==NULL/* */)
# ifdef _DEBUG
If (cause & gt;=0 & amp; & Cause & lt; _countof (rgszCFileExceptionCause))
LPSZ=rgszCFileExceptionCause [cause].
The else
TRACE3 (" CFile exception: % hs, the File % s, OS error information=% ld. \ n ",
LPSZ, (lpszFileName==NULL)? _T (" Unknown ") : lpszFileName, lOsError);
# endif
THROW (new CFileException (cause, lOsError lpszFileName));
CodePudding user response:
Can you under the specific said, a bit not understandCodePudding user response:
CFile delivery CFileException is new outAlso catch also corresponds to the Delete
//Do something to throw a file exception.
The catch (CFileException * theException)
If (theException - & gt; M_cause==CFileException: : fileNotFound)
TRACE (" File not found \ n ");
TheException - & gt; The Delete ();