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Gist feature extraction


A gist for feature extraction of opencv complete code
General process:
1. Create a Gabor filter group
2. The mean on the original color graph into a gray image
3. The filter scale local contrast of image.
4. Block calculation gabor feature and combination

CodePudding user response:


# pragma once

# include
Using the namespace CV;

# define WIDTH/256/image WIDTH 256
# define HEIGHT/256/image HEIGHT 256
3.1416////# define M_PI PI

The class Gist
Typedef struct matList
Int size;
Mat * data;
} MatList.

Typedef struct gistParam
CvSize imageSize;
Int orientations;//8
Int scale;//4
Int * orientationsPerScale;//[8 8 8 8]
Int numberBlocks;//4
Int fc_prefilt;//4
Int boundaryExtension;//32
MatList gabor.
} GistParam;

Gist (void);
OrientationsPerScale Gist (CvSize imagesize, int * and an int scale, int numberBlocks=4, int fc_prefilt=4, int boundaryExtension=32).
~ Gist (void);

Mat padarray (Mat Mat, CvSize padsize=CvSize (5, 5), cstrings padval=_T (" symmetric "), cstrings direction=_T (" both "));
MatList createGabor (int * or, CvSize size);
Mat prefilt (Mat img, int fc=4).
Mat gistGabor Mat (img);
Mat downN (Mat img, int N);

Mat calImageGist (cstrings filename);
Mat calImageGist (IplImage * image);
Mat calImageListGist (vector fileList);

The static void fftshift (Mat data);//FFT shift
The static void fftshift (float * data, int w, int h);//FFT shift
The static Mat getReal (Mat complex_data);//get the plural matrix real
The static Mat getAbs (Mat complex_data);//get the plural matrix absolute value
The static void saveFeatureToFile (cstrings filename, Mat Mat);//store mat

GistParam param.

CodePudding user response:


CodePudding user response:

I realized the Gist of LMGIST version (that is, the matlab)

The following is the corresponding lot and post

Code: https://github.com/Kalafinaian/python-img_gist_feature

Blog: https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/88
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