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MFC after reading excel, excel written is empty?


Code is like this, baidu's about the same, but no one mentioned this problem, every time after reading.xls files into empty file prompt "you try to open the file format and file extension specifies the format of the inconsistencies,"

Retrieves the hr;//retrieves the function return value
Hr=CoInitialize (NULL);//CoInitialize to tell Windows to create a com object in the form of single thread
If (FAILED (hr))
AfxMessageBox (_T (" Failed to call Coinitialize () "));

CFileDialog filedlg (TRUE, L "*. XLS", NULL, OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT, L ".xls files (*. XLS) | *. XLS ");
Filedlg. M_ofn. LpstrTitle=L "open file";
Cstrings strFilePath;
If (IDOK==filedlg. DoModal ())
StrFilePath=filedlg. GetPathName ();
The else

CApplication app1.
CWorkbooks books;
CWorkbook book;
CWorksheets sheets;
CWorksheet sheet;
CRange range;
CRange iCell;
COleVariant vResult;//COleVariant class is the encapsulation of the VARIANT structure
GetDlgItem (IDC_READ) - & gt; The EnableWindow (FALSE);
COleVariant covOptional ((long) DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND VT_ERROR);

if (! . CreateDispatch (_T (" Excel. Application "), NULL))
AfxMessageBox (_T (" Excel server could not be started!" ));
Books. AttachDispatch (. Get_Workbooks ());
LpDisp=books. The Open (strFilePath, covOptional, covOptional,
CovOptional, covOptional, covOptional, covOptional, covOptional,
CovOptional, covOptional, covOptional, covOptional, covOptional,
CovOptional, covOptional);

//get the Workbook
Book. AttachDispatch (lpDisp);
//get the Worksheets
Sheets. AttachDispatch (book. Get_Worksheets ());
//sheet=sheets. Get_Item (COleVariant ((short) 1));
//get the current active sheet
//if a cell is in edit status, this operation can't return, will have been waiting for
LpDisp=book. Get_ActiveSheet ();
Sheet. AttachDispatch (lpDisp);

//read the value of the first cell
Range. AttachDispatch (sheet. Get_Cells ());
Range. AttachDispatch (range. Get_Item (COleVariant (2) (long), COleVariant ((long), 1)). PdispVal);//the first variable is the row, the second variable is column, that is, the second line of the first column
VResult=range. Get_Value2 ();
Cstrings STR.
If (vResult. N==VT_BSTR)//string
STR=vResult. BstrVal;
Else if (vResult. N==VT_R8)//8 byte number
STR. The Format (_T (" % f "), vResult. DblVal);

//. Put_Visible (TRUE);
//. Put_UserControl (TRUE);
Books. The Close ();
. The Quit ();
//release object
Range. ReleaseDispatch ();
Sheet. ReleaseDispatch ();
Sheets. ReleaseDispatch ();
Book. ReleaseDispatch ();
Books. ReleaseDispatch ();
. ReleaseDispatch ();
//OnOK ();

CodePudding user response:

Used to share my class, the function is complete

Link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1VvK-9qQkQqBrshGtfZ4Pew
The extracted code: LGPL

CodePudding user response:

I tried, no problem, your code a little changed:

CFileDialog filedlg (TRUE, L "*. XLSX", NULL, OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT, L "Xls file (*. XLSX) | *. XLSX");

In fact it is best to:
CFileDialog DLG (
_T (". XLSX "),
_T (" XLSX files (*. XLSX) | *. XLSX | All files (*. *) | *. * | | ")

CodePudding user response:

Ah oh, you came late and share files have been deleted, early next time yo,
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