Home > Software engineering >  MFC to read the content of the excel spreadsheet, why can have content didn't read?
MFC to read the content of the excel spreadsheet, why can have content didn't read?


 lpDisp=books. The Open (strFilePath, covOptional, covOptional, 
CovOptional, covOptional, covOptional, covOptional, covOptional,
CovOptional, covOptional, covOptional, covOptional, covOptional,
CovOptional, covOptional);
Book. AttachDispatch (lpDisp);
Sheets. AttachDispatch (book. Get_Worksheets ());
//sheet=sheets. Get_Item (COleVariant ((short) 1));
LpDisp=book. Get_ActiveSheet ();
Sheet. AttachDispatch (lpDisp);
Range. AttachDispatch (sheet. Get_Cells (), TRUE);
If (FUTUREa==0 & amp; & Var1! {
=L "")for (int i=0; I & lt; 1000; I++) {
Range. AttachDispatch (range. Get_Item (COleVariant ((long) I + 1), COleVariant ((long) varr1)). PdispVal);//the first variable is the line, the second variable is the column of
VResult=range. Get_Value2 ();
If (vResult. N==VT_BSTR)//string
Str1 [I]=vResult. BstrVal;
Else if (vResult. N==VT_R8 | | vResult. N==VT_R4)//8 | | digital 4 bytes
Str1 [I]. The Format (_T (" % f "), vResult. DblVal);
Else if (vResult. N==VT_I4) {
Str1 [I]. The Format (_T (" % d "), vResult. DblVal);
If (str1 [I]==L "" | | str1==" "[I]) {
J=I - 1;
SetDlgItemText (IDC_EDIT7, str1 [I]);
If (FUTUREa==1 & amp; & Var2! {
=L "")for (int i=0; I & lt; 1000; I++) {
Range. AttachDispatch (range. Get_Item (COleVariant ((long) I + 1), COleVariant ((long) varr2)). PdispVal);//the first variable is the line, the second variable is the column of
VResult=range. Get_Value2 ();
If (vResult. N==VT_BSTR)//string
Str2 [I]=vResult. BstrVal;
Else if (vResult. N==VT_R8)//8 byte number
Str2 [I]. The Format (_T (" % f "), vResult. DblVal);
If (str2 [I]==L "" | | str2 [I]==" ") {
FUTUREa +=1;

This is two loops are used to read the contents of the first column and the second column, but when I after the program is running, the str1 array only [the first round, one, three, six] being read to, and str2 array is empty, all the second column did not read all

CodePudding user response:

Range. AttachDispatch (range. Get_Item (COleVariant ((long) I + 1), COleVariant ((long) varr1)). PdispVal);
In front of the chosen after the execution unit is useless
With a new unit,
Range2. AttachDispatch (range. Get_Item (COleVariant ((long) I + 1), COleVariant ((long) varr1)). PdispVal);

CodePudding user response:

reference 1st floor zgl7903 response:
range. AttachDispatch (range. Get_Item (COleVariant ((long) I + 1), COleVariant ((long) varr1)). PdispVal);
In front of the chosen after the execution unit is useless
With a new unit,
Range2. AttachDispatch (range. Get_Item (COleVariant ((long) I + 1), COleVariant ((long) varr1)). PdispVal);

If put the new unit is also in the loop, the loop will appear after a few times a cell without read, would because of loop or other reasons?
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