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VB use pure database query IP belongs to position is not normal


O great god debug modify
 Public Function GetAddress (sip) 
If Len (sip) & lt; 5 Then
GetAddress="IP input error!"
The Exit Function
End the If
On the Error Resume Next
Dim Wry, IPType
The Set Wry=New ShowIp
If Not Wry. IsIp (sip) Then
GetAddress="IP input error!"
The Exit Function
End the If
IPType=Wry. QQWry (sip)
GetAddress=Wry. Country & amp; "" & amp; Wry. LocalStr
End the Function
Private Sub Command1_Click () 'query address
Text1. Text=GetAddress (Text2)
End Sub
'class module, named ShowIp
'variable name
Public Country, LocalStr, Buf, OffSet
Private StartIP, EndIP, CountryFlag
Public QQWryFile
Public FirstStartIP LastStartIP, RecordCount
Private Stream, EndIPOff
'class module initialization
Private Sub Class_Initialize ()
On the Error Resume Next
QQWryFile="QQWry. Dat" 'QQ IP library path
End Sub
'IP address is converted to an integer
The Function Iptoint (IP) As Single
Dim IPArray, I, Iptoint1 As Single, Iptoint2 As Single, Iptoint3 As Single, Iptoint4 As Single
IPArray=Split (IP, "", 1)
For I=0 To 3
If Not IsNumeric (IPArray (I)) Then IPArray (I)=0
If CInt (IPArray (I)) & lt; 0 Then IPArray (I)=Abs (CInt (IPArray (I)))
If CInt (IPArray (I)) & gt; 255 Then IPArray (I)=255
Iptoint1=CInt (IPArray (3))
Iptoint2=CInt (IPArray (2)) : Iptoint2=Iptoint2 * 256
Iptoint3=CInt (IPArray (1)) : Iptoint3=Iptoint3 * 256: Iptoint3=Iptoint3 * 256
Iptoint4=CInt (IPArray (0)) : Iptoint4=Iptoint4 * 256: Iptoint4=Iptoint4 * 256: Iptoint4=Iptoint4 * 256
Iptoint=Iptoint1 + Iptoint2 + Iptoint3 + Iptoint4
'this algorithm will have overflow in VB? Don't know what reason Iptoint=((CInt (IPArray (0)) * 256 * 256 + CInt (IPArray (1)) * 256 + CInt (IPArray (2))) * Iptoint + CInt (IPArray (3))
End the Function
'integer reverse IP address
The Function IntToIP (IntValue)
P4=IntValue - Fix (IntValue/256) * 256
IntValue (IntValue - p4)/256=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/
P3=IntValue - Fix (IntValue/256) * 256
IntValue=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/(IntValue - p3)/256
The p2=IntValue - Fix (IntValue/256) * 256
IntValue=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/(IntValue - p2)/256
IntToIP=CStr (p1) & amp; ". "& amp; CStr (p2) & amp; ". "& amp; CStr (p3) & amp; ". "& amp; CStr (p4)
End the Function

'get started IP position
Private Function GetStartIP (RecNo)
OffSet=FirstStartIP * 7 + RecNo
Stream. The Position=OffSet
Buf=Stream. Read (7)

FirstStartIP1=AscB (MidB (Buf, 1, 1))
FirstStartIP2=AscB (MidB (Buf, 2, 1)) : FirstStartIP2=FirstStartIP2 * 256
FirstStartIP3=AscB (MidB (Buf, 3, 1)) : FirstStartIP3=FirstStartIP3 * 256: FirstStartIP3=FirstStartIP3 * 256
FirstStartIP4=AscB (MidB (Buf, 4, 1)) : FirstStartIP4=FirstStartIP4 * 256: FirstStartIP4=FirstStartIP4 * 256: FirstStartIP4=FirstStartIP4 * 256
StartIP=FirstStartIP1 + FirstStartIP2 + FirstStartIP3 + FirstStartIP4

LastStartIP1=AscB (MidB (Buf, 5, 1))
LastStartIP2=AscB (MidB (Buf, 6, 1)) : LastStartIP2=LastStartIP2 * 256
LastStartIP3=AscB (MidB (Buf, 7, 1)) : LastStartIP3=LastStartIP3 * 256: LastStartIP3=LastStartIP3 * 256
'LastStartIP4=AscB (MidB (Buf, 8, 1)) : LastStartIP4=LastStartIP4 * 256: LastStartIP4=LastStartIP4 * 256: LastStartIP4=LastStartIP4 * 256
EndIPOff=LastStartIP1 + LastStartIP2 + + LastStartIP4 LastStartIP3 '

'this algorithm will have overflow in VB? Don't know what reason EndIPOff=AscB (MidB (Buf, 5, 1)) + (AscB (MidB (Buf, 6, 1)) * 256) + (AscB (MidB (Buf, 7, 1)) * 256 * 256)
'this algorithm will have overflow in VB? Don't know what reason StartIP=AscB (MidB (Buf, 1, 1)) + (AscB (MidB (Buf, 2, 1)) * 256) + (AscB (MidB (Buf, 3, 1)) * 256 * 256) + (AscB (MidB (Buf, 4, 1)) * 256 * 256 * 256)
End the Function
'get over IP position
Private Function GetEndIP ()
Stream. The Position=EndIPOff
Buf=Stream. Read (5)

FirstStartIP1=AscB (MidB (Buf, 1, 1))
FirstStartIP2=AscB (MidB (Buf, 2, 1)) : FirstStartIP2=FirstStartIP2 * 256
FirstStartIP3=AscB (MidB (Buf, 3, 1)) : FirstStartIP3=FirstStartIP3 * 256: FirstStartIP3=FirstStartIP3 * 256
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