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MFC dialog box cannot be modified CFontDialog can only modify the font color, ask for help! Be urgen


Void CNoteTestDlg: : OnEditFont ()
//TODO: add the command handler code
CFont * TempFont=m_FileText. GetFont ();
TempFont - & gt; GetLogFont (& amp; LogFont);
The CLR=RGB (0, 0, 0);
CFontDialog DLG.

If (DLG) DoModal ()==IDOK)
M_Font. Detach ();
DLG. GetCurrentFont (& amp; LogFont);
COLORREF m_clr=DLG. GetColor ();
M_Font. CreateFontIndirect (& amp; LogFont);
M_FileText. SetFont (& amp; M_Font);
The CLR=DLG. GetColor ();
Header file and a definition CFont m_Font;
Can modify the font cannot modify the color, still need to do?
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