Part of the code in the following, if you need other information, please contact!
Cell phones, WeChat 13522968283, can be paid!
Void CWordtestDlg: : OnNewDoc ()
COleVariant vTrue (TRUE) (short);
COleVariant vFalse (FALSE) (short);
//start a new Microsoft Word instance
_Application oWordApp;
if (! OWordApp. CreateDispatch (" Word. Application ", NULL))
AfxMessageBox (CreateDispatch "failed", MB_OK | MB_SETFOREGROUND);
OWordApp. SetVisible (TRUE);
//create a new word document
The Documents oDocs=oWordApp. GetDocuments ();
_Document oDoc=oDocs. Add (vOpt vOpt, vOpt, vOpt);
//add text to the word document
Selection oSel=oWordApp. GetSelection ();
_Font f=oSel. GetFont ();
Com.lowagie.text.paragraph format=oSel. GetParagraphFormat ();//set the format
Format. SetAlignment (1);//center
Format. SetLineSpacingRule (4);
Format. SetLineSpacing (13);
F.S etSize (12);
F.S etBold (1);
OSel. TypeParagraph ();
OSel. TypeText (" western European g8 15 days trip ");
OSel. TypeParagraph ();
F.S etSize (9);
F.S etBold (0);
OSel. TypeParagraph ();
OSel. WholeStory ();
//set the font - old
/* _Font font (oSel GetFont ());
//the font. SetColor (RGB (0, 255));
The font, SetColor (RGB (0, 0));
The font. The SetSize (14. F);
The font. SetBold (1);
OSel. SetFont (font); */
///table 1
OSel. EndKey (COleVariant ((short) wdStory), COleVariant ((short) wdMove));
The Range of Rng=oSel. GetRange ();
Tables Tbls=oDoc. GetTables ();
Table Tb0=Tbls. Add (Rng, 16, 5, vOpt, vOpt);
Borders bords0=Tb0. GetBorders ();
Bords0. SetOutsideLineStyle (wdLineStyleSingle);//set the border attribute
Bords0. SetOutsideColorIndex (wdBlack);//border color
Bords0. SetOutsideLineWidth (wdLineWidth150pt);//border width
Bords0. SetInsideLineStyle (wdLineStyleSingle);//frame attribute
Bords0. SetInsideColorIndex (wdBlack);//frame color
F.S etBold (1);
The Columns c=oSel. GetColumns ();
C.s. etWidth (40);
OSel. TypeText (_T (" the first X days "));
OSel. MoveRight (COleVariant ((short) 1), COleVariant ((short) 1), COleVariant ((short) 0));
F.S etBold (1);
C.s. etWidth (50);
OSel. TypeText (_T (" date "));
OSel. MoveRight (COleVariant ((short) 1), COleVariant ((short) 1), COleVariant ((short) 0));
F.S etBold (1);
C.s. etWidth (260);
OSel. TypeText (_T (" schedule "));
OSel. MoveRight (COleVariant ((short) 1), COleVariant ((short) 1), COleVariant ((short) 0));
F.S etBold (1);
C.s. etWidth (40);
OSel. TypeText (_T (" accommodation "));
OSel. MoveRight (COleVariant ((short) 1), COleVariant ((short) 1), COleVariant ((short) 0));
F.S etBold (1);
//c.s. etWidth (30);
C.s. etWidth (100);
OSel. TypeText (_T (" dining "));
OSel. MoveDown (COleVariant ((short) 4), COleVariant ((short) 1), COleVariant ((short) 0));
CodePudding user response:
Mobile phone, WeChat 13522968273, the above write wrong, is this, sorry!