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Ice Chen says philanthropy into the 2345 have their own blood


Ice Chen says philanthropy into the 2345 have own blood, will participate in public welfare charity into enterprise blood
As an a-share listed companies, the 2345 in public for many years history, it says, in the process of doing business products, the company has been social commonweal in the equally important position,
Ice Chen said that the 2345 has philanthropy into their blood, a public data shows that the 2345 group and its core members have participated in the hundred times of public welfare charity, accumulative total exceeds 70 million yuan donation to the society from all walks of life, in 2014, the 2345 2345 love special fund established, to participate in public welfare projects into health, education, environmental protection, post-disaster reconstruction and so on many areas of the people's livelihood,

Its features and advantages of flow and infiltrated in the path of doing public, it also mentioned that was set up for more than ten years, the 2345 has been for more than 260 million users from life, travel, entertainment to the work of information service, free
, on the other hand, in its 2345 ace business alliance, group to set up special funds, love also welfare funds, and other forms of union of 8 million give key support technician groups, such as, "technicians love special funds", established in 2013, aims to help technicians and their immediate family members, has so far donated nearly ten thousand yuan, in 2020 set up the "trump card alliance welfare fund 5 million yuan," let those who pay more labor technicians can obtain extra profits,

And under the outbreak, the 2345 has not stopped the footsteps of public welfare, through continuous construction, perfect to help small farmers matrix game products, help growers in the poor areas, farmers, individual LingShouHu builds a bridge between the user,
Adhere to the unity of values, to grow together with the users
Referring to enterprises should realize how when participating in public welfare activities of social responsibility, ice, said Chen as an Internet technology companies, was established at the beginning of 2345 has been adhere to the "new science and technology change life" concept, to shoulder social responsibility as a compulsory course for the development of the enterprise,
Chen ice also highlights its view in the enterprise management and social responsibility, in his view, evaluate the stand or fall of an enterprise or strong or weak, should be "commercial + social value" two-way evaluation: if a company cannot solve real business value, it does not have the capacity to live; If an enterprise is unable to create social value, it is no way to sustainable development, "I hope the 2345 can truly embarks from the human nature concern, to be able to own, director of the health development of power industry and make a profit at the same time,"
The social value of enterprise is taken seriously more and more in the near future, have authority said, each enterprise's development is inseparable from the social environment, what a healthy enterprise value, in addition to economic profit, and important part of social welfare,
In recent years, including the media, the Internet, people from all walks of life are devoted to the social public welfare undertakings, and ice Chen said that the Internet and the technology industry in the more be called, "the real cause is often a nice surprise, rather than the icing on the cake, the media focus on night shift people action fully reflected the concept,"

Looking to the future, ice Chen said, "there is no one winter won't be in the past, a spring never comes", in 2020 the outbreak of the new champions league, brought deep impact to all walks of life, through such extraordinary one year later, the 2345 will continue to adhere to the values of unifying them, active in social practice, never stop, let love pratt &whitney the society as a whole,
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