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Consult ORA - 07445 problem, wish you a great god can help me with!


Oracle versions, at runtime, frequently, ORA - 07445, the problem of access to the Internet to find the didn't find a solution for a long time, wish you a great god to give directions,
a, the error Log in the Log file:
Sun Feb 07 13:36:37 2021
ERROR: Unable to normalize symbol name for the following short stack (at offset 213) :
DbgexProcessError () + 200 & lt; - dbgeExecuteForError () + 65 & lt; - dbgePostErrorKGE () + 2269 & lt; - dbkePostKGE_kgsf () + 77 & lt; - kgeade () + 562 & lt; - kgerelv () + 151 & lt; - kgerev () + 45 & lt; - kgerec5 () + 60 & lt; - sss_xcpt_EvalFilterEx () + 1862 & lt; - sss_xcpt_EvalFilter () + 174 & lt; 59-1.4 _5 + & lt; - 00007 ff8b2fe1e26 & lt; - 00007 ff8b2ff349d & lt; - 00007 ff8b2fb48d7 & lt; - 00007 ff8b2ff262a & lt; - lmmhpfree () + 94 & lt; - lmmcit () + 44 & lt; - lpmpfin () + 334 & lt; - lpmterm () + 117 & lt; - lpminitm () + 641 & lt; - opiinit () + 181 & lt; - opimai_real () + 245 & lt; - opimai () + 191 & lt; - BackgroundThreadStart () + 646 & lt; - 00007 ff8b0a713d2 & lt; - 00007 ff8b2f754f4
Errors in the file D: \ APP \ zsyltck \ \ ADMINISTRATOR \ diag \ an RDBMS zsyltck \ trace \ zsyltck_j001_1732 TRC (incident=12206) :
ORA - 07445: the exception encountered: the core dump [lmmhpfree () + 94] [ACCESS_VIOLATION] [ADDR: 0 by 8] [PC: 0 x33f5f4e] [UNABLE_TO_READ] []
Incident details: in D: \ APP \ \ ADMINISTRATOR \ diag \ an RDBMS zsyltck \ zsyltck \ Incident \ incdir_12206 \ zsyltck_j001_1732_i12206 TRC
Use ADRCI or Support the Workbench to package the incident.
See Note 411.1 at My Oracle Support for the error and packaging details.
Sun Feb 07 13:36:37 2021
Errors in the file D: \ APP \ zsyltck \ \ ADMINISTRATOR \ diag \ an RDBMS zsyltck \ trace \ zsyltck_j000_5856 TRC (incident=11214) :
ORA - 04030: in an attempt to allocate 133800 bytes (koh - kghu sessi, static frame of inst) when the process is out of memory
Incident details: in D: \ APP \ \ ADMINISTRATOR \ diag \ an RDBMS zsyltck \ zsyltck \ Incident \ incdir_11214 \ zsyltck_j000_5856_i11214 TRC
Use ADRCI or Support the Workbench to package the incident.
See Note 411.1 at My Oracle Support for the error and packaging details.
2, the contents of the TRC file
The Dump file D: \ APP \ \ ADMINISTRATOR \ diag \ an RDBMS zsyltck \ zsyltck \ incident \ incdir_12206 \ zsyltck_j001_1732_i12206 TRC
Oracle Database 11 g Enterprise Edition Release - bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining, and Real Application Testing options
Windows NT Version V6.2
CPU: 16 - type, 8664, 16 Physical Cores
The Process Affinity: 0 x0x0000000000000000
The Memory (the Avail/Total) : Ph: 27278 m/32767 m, Ph + PgF: 5 m/43007 m
The VM name: VMWare Version (6)
The Instance name: zsyltck
Redo thread mounted by this instance: 0 & lt; None>
Oracle process number: 0
Windows thread id: 1732, image: ORACLE. EXE (J001)

* * * 2021-02-07 13:36:37. 438
Dump continued the from file: D: \ APP \ zsyltck \ \ ADMINISTRATOR \ diag \ an RDBMS zsyltck \ trace \ zsyltck_j001_1732 TRC
ORA - 07445: the exception encountered: the core dump [lmmhpfree () + 94] [ACCESS_VIOLATION] [ADDR: 0 by 8] [PC: 0 x33f5f4e] [UNABLE_TO_READ] []

=========Dump for incident 12206 (ORA 7445 [lmmhpfree () + 94])========
-- -- -- -- -- Beginning of Customized Incident Dump (s) -- -- -- -- --
The Exception [type: ACCESS_VIOLATION, UNABLE_TO_READ] [ADDR: 0 by 8] [PC: 0 x33f5f4e, lmmhpfree () + 94]

Oracle Database 11 g Enterprise Edition Release - bit Production
The Process Id: 0 x00001b9c Thread Id: 0 x000006c4 Time: Sun Feb 07 13:36:37
Excp. Code: 0 xc0000005 Excp. Type: ACCESS_VIO Flags: 0 x00000000

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Registers -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
IP=00000000033 f5f4e sp=00000000271 ff3e0 rp=0000000004 d4bc30
R1=0000000000000000 r2=0000000004 d45960 r3=0000000004 d4bc28
R4=0000000004 d45960 r5=00000000271 ff3e0 r6=0000000004 d4bc30 r7=0000000004 d44f88
The r8=0000000004 d4bc28 r9=0000000000000000 r10=00000000271 ff440 r11=0000000004 d4bc28
R12=0000000004 d45a10 r13=000000000480 d3b0 r14=0000000004 d45960 r15=0000000000000000
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- End of Registers -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

* * * 2021-02-07 13:36:37. 438
DbkedDefDump () : Starting a non - incident diagnostic dump (flags=0 x3, level=3, mask=0 x0)
-- -- -- -- -- the SQL Statement (None) -- -- -- -- --
The Current SQL information unavailable - no SGA.

-- -- -- -- -- the Call Stack Trace -- -- -- -- --
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