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SQL release subscription, compression limit problem


There is a table in the SQL server, single table compression is too big, can't sync,
In addition to delete the data?

Please help Daniel

Error message:
Message: the file "fin_fee_2. BCP" before compression is more than the size of the SQL replication the compression limit stipulated in the "2147418111" bytes,
Stack: in Microsoft. Essentially. The Replication. CabCreator. AddFileToCabinet (String strFileToAdd)
In Microsoft. Essentially. The Replication. The Snapshot. SnapshotFileProcessor. DoAddFileToCabinet (String strSourceFile)
In Microsoft. Essentially. The Replication. The Snapshot. SnapshotFileProcessor. AgentThreadProc ()
In Microsoft. Essentially. The Replication. AgentCore. BaseAgentThread. AgentThreadProcWrapper () (source: MSSQL_REPL, error number: MSSQL_REPL52014)
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