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Database knowledge construe positively


Interpretation of the basic knowledge of database, as long as the interpretation of the mysql database, this paper mentions other and mysql database

CodePudding user response:

Employe preparation to create database and create more table
Early is distinguished casually behind practice knowledge
The front pages that practice code required for all kinds of table
There are Chinese symbols best knock yourself
Create the database
The CREATE DATABASE ` employe `/*! 40100 DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 */;
Host: # (Version 5.7.17)
# Date: 2019-08-29 16:51:37
# Writer: cook not rotten eggs (Build 1.26)
# Structure for table "customer_tbl
DROP TABLE IF the EXISTS ` customer_tbl `;
The CREATE TABLE ` customer_tbl ` (
` cust_id ` varchar (10) NOT NULL DEFAULT ',
` cust_name ` varchar (30) NOT NULL DEFAULT ',
` cust_address ` varchar (20) NOT NULL DEFAULT ',
` cust_city ` varchar (15) NOT NULL DEFAULT ',
` cust_state ` char (2) NOT NULL DEFAULT ',
` cust_zip ` bigint (20) DEFAULT NULL,
` cust_phone ` char (11) the DEFAULT NULL,
` cust_fax ` varchar (255) the DEFAULT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (` cust_id `)

# Data for table "customer_tbl

INSERT INTO ` customer_tbl ` VALUES (' 090 ', 'gyui', 'NLKHLK', 'inadd', 'in' 46224, '223323', '),
(' 109 ', 'nanweg', 'apt a4556 a', 'broa', 'in' 47950, '153782', NULL),
12 '(',' HJKLK ', 'oiioh \' p ', 'danv', 'il', 47978, '323323', '2232313213'),
(' 232 ', 'sgah nka', '798 agfhj', 'inadd', 'in' 47856, '156324', NULL),
(' 345 ', 'sadf', 'sadfaf', 'leba', 'in' 49967, '123436', NULL);

# Structure for table "employe_tbl

DROP TABLE IF the EXISTS ` employe_tbl `;
The CREATE TABLE ` employe_tbl ` (
` emp_id ` varchar (9), NOT NULL DEFAULT ',
` last_name ` varchar (15) NOT NULL DEFAULT ',
` first_name ` varchar (15) NOT NULL DEFAULT ',
` middle_name ` varchar (15) DEFAULT NULL,
` address ` varchar (30) NOT NULL DEFAULT ',
` city ` varchar (15) NOT NULL DEFAULT ',
` state ` char (2) NOT NULL DEFAULT ',
` zip ` bigint (5) the NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
` phone ` char (10) DEFAULT NULL,
` pager ` char (10) DEFAULT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (` emp_id `)

CodePudding user response:

INSERT INTO ` customer_tbl ` VALUES (' 090 ', 'gyui', 'NLKHLK', 'inadd', 'in' 46224, '223323', '),
(' 109 ', 'nanweg', 'apt a4556 a', 'broa', 'in' 47950, '153782', NULL),
12 '(',' HJKLK ', 'oiioh \' p ', 'danv', 'il', 47978, '323323', '2232313213'),
(' 232 ', 'sgah nka', '798 agfhj', 'inadd', 'in' 47856, '156324', NULL),
(' 345 ', 'sadf', 'sadfaf', 'leba', 'in' 49967, '123436', NULL);

# Structure for table "employe_tbl

DROP TABLE IF the EXISTS ` employe_tbl `;
The CREATE TABLE ` employe_tbl ` (
` emp_id ` varchar (9), NOT NULL DEFAULT ',
` last_name ` varchar (15) NOT NULL DEFAULT ',
` first_name ` varchar (15) NOT NULL DEFAULT ',
` middle_name ` varchar (15) DEFAULT NULL,
` address ` varchar (30) NOT NULL DEFAULT ',
` city ` varchar (15) NOT NULL DEFAULT ',
` state ` char (2) NOT NULL DEFAULT ',
` zip ` bigint (5) the NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
` phone ` char (10) DEFAULT NULL,
` pager ` char (10) DEFAULT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (` emp_id `)

# Data for table "employe_tbl

INSERT INTO ` employe_tbl ` VALUES

CodePudding user response:

# Data for table "products_tbl

INSERT INTO ` products_tbl ` VALUES (' 11235 ', 'wit', 69.99), (' 13 ', 'false', 1.10)
, (' 15 ', 'along', 10.00), (' 222 ', 'PLA, 7.75), (' 90', 'lig, 84.50), (' 907', 'cab, 1.35);

# Structure for table "rich_employees

DROP TABLE IF the EXISTS ` rich_employees `;
The CREATE TABLE ` rich_employees ` (
` emp_id ` varchar (11), NOT NULL DEFAULT ',
` last_time ` varchar (255) NOT NULL DEFAULT ',
` first_name ` varchar (255) NOT NULL DEFAULT ',
` pay_rate ` decimal (4, 2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00'

# Data for table "rich_employees

INSERT INTO ` rich_employees ` VALUES (' 442346889 ', 'plew', 'Tina, 14.75),
(' 443679021 ', 'spurgeon, tiffany, 15.00), (' 442346889', 'plew', 'Tina, 14.75),
(' 443679021 ', 'spurgeon, tiffany, 15.00), (' 442346889', 'plew', 'Tina, 14.75),
(' 443679021 ', 'spurgeon, tiffany, 15.00), (' 442346889', 'plew', 'Tina, 14.75),
(' 443679021 ', 'spurgeon, tiffany, 15.00), (' 442346889', 'plew', 'Tina, 14.75),
(' 443679021 ', 'spurgeon, tiffany, 15.00);


CodePudding user response:

You should write blogs
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