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Don't change the list data showed that under the premise of, the middle box the sum of time dif


The trouble is that there are two 1, article, and the other a total sum, need time for bosses to see how to write? Said total length, in minutes, split the day//in front of the points, should not do, there's a minute behind statistics, use it, the original SQL
 select -- wftask. *, 
Usr. Realname wftaskExcutor,
Usr2. Realname wftaskPrevExcutor,
Wftask taskname,
Extract (day from wftask. Endtime - wftask. Starttime) wftaskDay,
Extract (hour from wftask. Endtime - wftask. Starttime) wftaskHour,
Extract (minute from wftask. Endtime - wftask. Starttime) wftaskMin,
Round (to_number (to_date (to_char (wftask. Endtime 'yyyy - mm - dd hh24: mi: ss'), '- dd yyyy - mm hh24: mi: ss')
- to_date (to_char (wftask starttime, 'yyyy - mm - dd hh24: mi: ss'), '- dd yyyy - mm hh24: mi: ss')) * 24 * 60) wftaskSumMin
The from co_workflow_task wftask
Inner join co_user usr
On wftask. Executor=usr. Username
Inner join co_user usr2
On wftask. Prevexecutor=usr2. Username
Inner join tb_sm_poa_info poa
On poa. Id=wftask. Extendfield1
Where poa. Id='402897 bb777bc6f101777bd2ab210017'
Order by wftask. Starttime desc
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