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Pray god to help me take a look at what has gone wrong


# include
# include
Typedef int datatype.
Typedef struct node
Datatype data;
Struct node * next;
} linkst;
Void crealist (linkst * sl, int a [], int n)
int i=0;
Linkst * p;
While (i{
P=(linkst *) malloc (sizeof (linkst));
The scanf (" % d ", & amp; (p - & gt; Data));
P - & gt; Next=sl - & gt; Next;
Sl - & gt; Next=p;

Void the display (linkst * sl)
Linkst * p=sl - & gt; Next;
While (p)
Printf (" % d ", p - & gt; The data);
P=p - & gt; Next;

Int main ()
20,10,50,46,89 int a []={}, n=5;
Linkst * l=(linkst *) malloc (sizeof (linkst));
Printf (" pro input number 5 \ n ");
Crealist (l, a, n);
The display (l);
return 0;
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