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Please help me do the mysql related topics


1. The assignment:
Residents to develop a real Estate information management system of real Estate information management, in the real Estate information management system, to design a database EstateDB, including table Owner (Owner), property table (Estate), the property right Registration form (Registration), field of each data table structure definition are shown in table 3-14 to 16 is shown in table 3 -,
Table 3-14 table Owner (Owner)
Defined in the above data in the table, the table of fields, field names, field coding, field data type, whether to allow null field data, and attribute information such as the constraints, and to determine the database table structure and data integrity constraints, write SQL statements to complete the database creation and the data processing operation, specific requirements are as follows:
1) write and run the SQL statement, create the database EstateDB,
2) write and run the SQL statement, the database EstateDB created in the above three database tables, and define the integrity constraints,
3) to prepare the sample data, compile and run the SQL statement, adding data in the above three database tables,
4) write and run the SQL statements, the house property information of query category as the "shop",
5) write and run the SQL statement, query the completion date for the 1st December 2018, property area of 90 square meters or more "home" of the real estate information, 6) write and run the SQL statement, query personal everywhere buy house for more than 2 sets of the owners of basic information,
7) write and run the SQL statement, query individuals in a particular city buy house for more than 2 sets of the owners of basic information,
* * note: 1) to 5) can be operated by the SQL statement, 6) - 7) using the JDBC operations, provide screenshots
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