Home > database >  Win10 system has the function of the mysql service no response control processing method
Win10 system has the function of the mysql service no response control processing method


A scenario
Community edition mysql, start a local service
PS: C/mysql/mysql - 8.0.23 - winx64 \ bin> Net start mysql
Service no response control function,

Visit https://cn.dll-files.com/vcruntime140_1.dll.html to download VCRUNTIME140_1. The latest version of the DLL

After downloading the files directly into the MySQL under the bin subdirectory can

The results
Run again
Net start mysql
The MySQL service is starting.

Original: https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_43993356/article/details/113106522? Utm_medium=distribute. Pc_relevant. None - task - 7 edefault % 7 eblogcommendfrommachinelearnpai2 blog - 2% % 7 edefault - 1. Control& Dist_request_id=1332023.6995.16189845613020197 & amp; Depth_1 - utm_source=distribute. Pc_relevant. None - task - 7 edefault % 7 eblogcommendfrommachinelearnpai2 blog - 2% % 7 edefault - 1. The control
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