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PS brightness and color order


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Development tools and key technology: PS
Author: Liang Shen exposure
Time to write: 2021/5/7
Image menu - patterns - gray, the channel is only one gray


Brightness/contrast command
Image menu - adjustment - brightness contrast

Histogram - levels (Ctrl + L)
The X axis lightness change Y the number of pixels, said with a slope of the curve transition soft,

Levels command
Image menu - adjustment - levels (Ctrl + L),

Black slider move to 70, is to all 70 pixel brightness under 0 brightness, brightness is also under 79 pixels abandoned,

White slider to adjust to 180 means that more than 180 brightness all pixels into 255 brightness

In the middle of the 1.00 means black and white field pixel scale

Adjustment layer
Layer menu - new adjustment layer (adjustment) of convenient information
Below the adjustment layer on layer, will only work on a new layer below the clipping mask,

Curve command
Image - adjust - curve menu (Ctrl + M)

Default: preset parameters directly choose to use
Control points to Delete: Delete selected/drag and drop to the outside of the area,
Channel: adjust the corresponding channel, the adjustment of the red, green and blue,
Master practical application can

Color balance

Image - adjust - color balance menu (Ctrl + B)

Keep the lightness: scientific computing the lightness unchanged
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