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Xiaodi bucai a SQL



SELECT the Convert (bit, 0) Selected, m1. MonthCode, m1. CusId, c.T askId, m1. LastAmt, m1. DNAmt, m1. DNReAmt,
M1 CusPayAmt, m1 AdjustAmt, m1. CurAmt, CASE WHEN the m1. DNAmt + m1. DNReAmt=0 THEN 1 ELSE ISNULL (1 - ROUND (ISNULL (md) FDAmt, 0)/(m1) DNAmt + m1) DNReAmt), 2), 1) END CusDiscount,
1 - (case when the m1. DNAmt=0 then 0 else (isnull (md2. RAdjustAmt, 0) + m1. DNReAmt * 1/*//comment don't delete + isnull (md3 RAdjustAmt, 0) */)/m1 DNAmt end) SalesProb, a.A ccType, a.A ccNum, Anderson nterestType, Anderson nterestNum
The FROM dbo. MonthBalance m1
The LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo. SalesPersonMonthDetail sm ON sm. MonthCode=m1. MonthCode and m1. CusId=sm. CusId
Left outer join the Customer c on Arthur c. usId=m1, CusId
Left OUTER join (select MonthCode, CusId isnull (sum (DNAmt) * 1.0, 0) FDAmt from MonthDetail2 where PayName='discount' and Category=3 group by MonthCode, CusId) md on md. MonthCode=m1. MonthCode and md. CusId=m1. CusId
The left outer join (select MonthCode, CusId isnull (sum (DNAmt) * 1.0, 0) RAdjustAmt from MonthDetail2 where the Category=3 group by MonthCode, CusId) md2 on md2. MonthCode=m1. MonthCode and md2. CusId=m1. CusId
- the left outer join (select MonthCode, CusId isnull (sum (DNAmt), 0) RAdjustAmt from MonthDetail2 where the Category=4 and DNAmt> 0 group by MonthCode, CusId) md3 on md3. MonthCode=m1. MonthCode and md3. CusId=m1. CusId
The left outer join AccountSet a on a.C usId=m1. CusId
WHERE isnull (sm) MonthCode, '0')='0' and m1. MonthCode like '2021-03%' order by CusId


Where conditions of monthcode like % % x and x % respectively test

SQL Server execution time:
CPU time=0 milliseconds, milliseconds elapsed time=0,

(692 rows affected)
Table 'MonthDetail2, scanning count 699, logical read 16102548 times, physical reads zero lookahead zero, lob logical reads zero, lob physical reads zero, lob to proofread 0 times,
Table 'Customer', counting scan 0, logical read 1384 times, physical reads zero lookahead zero, lob logical reads zero, lob physical reads zero, lob to proofread 0 times,
Table 'SalesPersonMonthDetail, counting scan 0, logical read 1384 times, physical reads zero lookahead zero, lob logical reads zero, lob physical reads zero, lob to proofread 0 times,
Table 'MonthBalance, scanning count 7, logical read 687 times, physical reads zero lookahead zero, lob logical reads zero, lob physical reads zero, lob to proofread 0 times,
Table 'AccountSet, counting scan 0, logical read 1384 times, physical reads zero lookahead zero, lob logical reads zero, lob physical reads zero, lob to proofread 0 times,
Table 'Worktable, counting scan 0, logical reads zero, physical reads zero lookahead zero, lob logical reads zero, lob physical reads zero, lob to proofread 0 times,

(28 rows affected)

SQL Server execution time:
The CPU time=133206 milliseconds, elapsed time=25037 milliseconds,

SQL Server execution time:
CPU time=0 milliseconds, milliseconds elapsed time=0,

(692 rows affected)
Table 'MonthDetail2, scanning count 14, logical read 46472 times, physical reads zero lookahead zero, lob logical reads zero, lob physical reads zero, lob to proofread 0 times,
Table 'Customer', counting scan 0, logical read 1384 times, physical reads zero lookahead zero, lob logical reads zero, lob physical reads zero, lob to proofread 0 times,
Table 'SalesPersonMonthDetail, counting scan 0, logical read 1384 times, physical reads zero lookahead zero, lob logical reads zero, lob physical reads zero, lob to proofread 0 times,
Table 'MonthBalance, scanning count 7, logical read 687 times, physical reads zero lookahead zero, lob logical reads zero, lob physical reads zero, lob to proofread 0 times,
Table 'AccountSet, counting scan 0, logical read 1384 times, physical reads zero lookahead zero, lob logical reads zero, lob physical reads zero, lob to proofread 0 times,
Table 'Worktable, counting scan 0, logical reads zero, physical reads zero lookahead zero, lob logical reads zero, lob physical reads zero, lob to proofread 0 times,

(30 rows affected)

SQL Server execution time:
The CPU time=436 milliseconds, elapsed time=83 milliseconds,

Why is the impact of monthdetail2 table the table is really no index I'm begging you not indexed test result analysis a wave
Internet can search to the conclusions are walk not to walk MonthBalance index I true meng force

CodePudding user response:

Estimate index because % x % cause MonthBalance didn't go, while MonthBalance and monthdetail2 derived table is through MonthCode associated, so eventually lead to read a lot more monthdetail2 logic,

What's the difference between a look at the execution plan
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